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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A PMS2 non-canonical splicing site variant leads to aberrant splicing in a patient suspected for lynch syndrome Bouras, Ahmed

22 3 p. 303-306
2 A retrospective cohort study of genetic referral and diagnosis of Lynch syndrome in patients with cutaneous sebaceous lesions Kattapuram, Meera

22 3 p. 295-301
3 Characteristics of familial pancreatic cancer families with additional colorectal carcinoma Lehman, Bettina

22 3 p. 323-330
4 Evaluating the role of CHEK2 p.(Asp438Tyr) allele in inherited breast cancer predisposition Kumpula, Timo A.

22 3 p. 291-294
5 Hematologic toxicities of chemotherapy in breast and ovarian cancer patients carrying BRCA1/BRCA2 germline pathogenic variants. A single center experience and review of the literature Hu-Heimgartner, Ketty

22 3 p. 283-289
6 Hereditary acute myeloid leukemia associated with C-terminal CEBPA germline variants Harrigan, Amye M.

22 3 p. 331-339
7 Heritable methylation marks associated with prostate cancer risk Dowty, James G.

22 3 p. 313-317
8 Ninth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
22 3 p. 345-397
9 Perspectives on the implications of carrying putative pathogenic variants in the medulloblastoma predisposition genes ELP1 and GPR161 Smith, Miriam J

22 3 p. 341-344
10 Pilot study of the prevalence of autoimmune disorders in Li-Fraumeni syndrome Obregón, Ixtaccihuatl H.

22 3 p. 319-321
11 Two unique BAP1 pathogenic variants identified in the same family by panel cascade testing Byrne, Lindsey

22 3 p. 307-311
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland