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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A case of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome originally thought to be a case of Bloom syndrome Marmolejo Castañeda, David Humberto

22 1 p. 99-102
2 A large family with MSH3-related polyposis Aelvoet, Arthur S.

22 1 p. 49-54
3 Endoscopic management of familial adenomatous polyposis targeting colorectal lesions greater than 5 mm in size: a single-center retrospective study Murano, Tatsuro

22 1 p. 83-89
4 Founder vs. non-founder BRCA1/2 pathogenic alleles: the analysis of Belarusian breast and ovarian cancer patients and review of other studies on ethnically homogenous populations Yanus, G. A.

22 1 p. 19-30
5 Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on implementation of universal tumor DNA testing in ovarian cancer patients: multidisciplinary focus groups Witjes, Vera M.

22 1 p. 1-11
6 Hepatocellular carcinoma and solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas complicating familial adenomatous polyposis: two cases and review of the literature El Halabi, Jessica

22 1 p. 77-82
7 Mainstreaming germline genetic testing for patients with pancreatic cancer increases uptake Ramsey, Mitchell L.

22 1 p. 91-97
8 Molecular characterization of an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma occurring in a patient with Kabuki syndrome: report and literature review in the light of tumor predisposition syndromes Aukema, Sietse M.

22 1 p. 103-118
9 Potential risks associated with the use of ionizing radiation for imaging and treatment of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome patients Sun, Mingzhu

22 1 p. 61-70
10 Preimplantation genetic testing in patients with genetic susceptibility to cancer Villy, Marie-Charlotte

22 1 p. 119-125
11 Prevalence and risk factors of barrett’s esophagus in lynch syndrome Farha, Natalie

22 1 p. 55-60
12 Prevalence of FANCM germline variants in BRCA1/2 negative breast and/or ovarian cancer patients from Pakistan Rashid, Muhammad Usman

22 1 p. 31-41
13 Remote vs in-person BRCA1/2 non-carriers test disclosure: patients’ choice during Covid-19 pandemic restriction Costanzo, Silvia

22 1 p. 43-48
14 Truncating TINF2 p.Tyr312Ter variant and inherited breast cancer susceptibility Koivuluoma, Susanna

22 1 p. 13-17
15 Universal tumor screening for lynch syndrome on colorectal cancer biopsies impacts surgical treatment decisions Vazzano, Jennifer

22 1 p. 71-76
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland