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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age at diagnosis of cancer in 185delAG BRCA1 mutation carriers of diverse ethnicities: tentative evidence for modifier factors Laitman, Yael

20 3 p. 189-194
2 A novel germline variant in RET gene resulting in an additional cysteine in a family with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma Oriola, Josep

20 3 p. 253-256
3 Discordant DNA mismatch repair protein status between synchronous or metachronous gastrointestinal carcinomas: frequency, patterns, and molecular etiologies Vyas, Monika

20 3 p. 201-213
4 Early-onset malignant phyllodes breast tumor in a patient with germline pathogenic variants in NF1 and BRCA1 genes Gensini, Francesca

20 3 p. 195-199
5 Efficacy of paired tumor and germline testing in evaluation of patients with Lynch-like syndrome in a large integrated healthcare setting Carwana, Holly

20 3 p. 223-230
6 FRAMe: Familial Risk Assessment of Melanoma—a risk prediction tool to guide CDKN2A germline mutation testing in Australian familial melanoma Holland, Elizabeth A.

20 3 p. 231-239
7 Frequency and spectrum of mutations across 94 cancer predisposition genes in African American women with invasive breast cancer Lovejoy, Leann A.

20 3 p. 181-187
8 Hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma syndromes: experience from western India Diwaker, Chakra

20 3 p. 241-251
9 Identification and management of Lynch syndrome in the Middle East and North African countries: outcome of a survey in 12 countries Sina, Mohammad

20 3 p. 215-221
10 In memoriam Professor Thierry Frébourg Bougeard, Gaëlle

20 3 p. 171-172
11 The role of TP53 pathogenic variants in early-onset HER2-positive breast cancer Escudeiro, Carla

20 3 p. 173-180
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland