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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Chemoprevention in familial adenomatous polyposis: past, present and future Kemp Bohan, Phillip M.

20 1 p. 23-33
2 Complete response of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC)-associated renal cell carcinoma to nivolumab and ipilimumab combination immunotherapy by: a case report Iribe, Yasuhiro

20 1 p. 75-80
3 Germline variants discovered in lymphoma patients undergoing tumor profiling: a case series Scott, Anthony J.

20 1 p. 61-65
4 Improving primary care identification of familial breast cancer risk using proactive invitation and decision support Qureshi, Nadeem

20 1 p. 13-21
5 Low accuracy of self-reported family history of melanoma in high-risk patients Flint, Nicholas D.

20 1 p. 41-48
6 Multiple primary cancers (renal papillary, lymphoma and teratoma) and hepatic cysts in association with a pathogenic germline mutation in the MET gene Adlard, Julian

20 1 p. 81-83
7 New surveillance guidelines for Li-Fraumeni and hereditary TP53 related cancer syndrome: implications for germline TP53 testing in breast cancer Evans, D. Gareth

20 1 p. 1-7
8 Prospective observational data informs understanding and future management of Lynch syndrome: insights from the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database (PLSD) Seppälä, Toni T.

20 1 p. 35-39
9 Report of the fifth meeting of the European Consortium 'Care for CMMRD' (C4CMMRD), Leiden, The Netherlands, July 6th 2019 Suerink, M.

20 1 p. 67-73
10 Small fraction of testicular cancer cases may be causatively related to CHEK2 inactivating germ-line mutations: evidence for somatic loss of the remaining CHEK2 allele in the tumor tissue Ni, Valeriya I.

20 1 p. 49-53
11 The CAPP II trial of aspirin in Lynch syndrome/HNPCC: is it time for everyone to be treated? Lynch, Patrick M.

20 1 p. 9-11
12 Two cases of somatic STK11 mosaicism in Danish patients with Peutz–Jeghers syndrome Jelsig, Anne Marie

20 1 p. 55-59
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland