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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A method for topical dosing of invertebrates with pesticide for use in feeding experiments Story, Paul

30 2 p. 381-386
2 A new method for estimating sedimental integrated toxicity of heavy metal mixtures to aquatic biota: a case study Gu, Yang-Guang

30 2 p. 373-380
3 Comparative selectivity of nano and commercial formulations of pirimicarb on a target pest, Brevicoryne brassicae, and its predator Chrysoperla carnea Maroofpour, Nariman

30 2 p. 361-372
4 Dose-dependent effects of lead and cadmium and the influence of soil properties on their uptake by Helix aspersa: an ecotoxicity test approach Sahraoui, Aboubakre Seddik

30 2 p. 331-342
5 Ecotoxicological evaluation of imazalil transformation products on Eisenia Andrei Correia, Fábio Veríssimo

30 2 p. 198-212
6 Effect of long-term exposure to copper on survival and development of two successive generations of Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) Amer, Nermeen R.

30 2 p. 351-360
7 Effects of dietary cypermethrin exposure on swimming performance and expression of lipid homeostatic genes in livers of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Fuller, Neil

30 2 p. 257-267
8 Enzymatic pathway involved in the degradation of fluoranthene by microalgae Chlorella vulgaris Tomar, Rupal Singh

30 2 p. 268-276
9 Expression variations of two retinoid signaling pathway receptors in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus exposed to three endocrine disruptors Joaquim-Justo, C.

30 2 p. 343-350
10 Mercury in neonatal and juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus). Part I: exposure assessment Reistad, Nicole A.

30 2 p. 187-197
11 Mercury in neonatal and juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus). Part II: Effects assessment Norris, Sarah B.

30 2 p. 311-322
12 Metabolic response of bok choy leaves under chromium pollution stress Zhou, Jiangmin

30 2 p. 231-239
13 Mitigation of Pb toxicity by Mn in seedling of the cacao clonal CCN 51 genotype grown in soil: physiological, biochemical, nutritional and molecular responses Apraez Muñoz, Jose Julian

30 2 p. 240-256
14 Pesticide exposure affects reproductive capacity of common toads (Bufo bufo) in a viticultural landscape Adams, Elena

30 2 p. 213-223
15 The effect of salinity fluctuation in freshwater streams on the fecundity of post-diapause Chironomus dilutus Dobry, Emily

30 2 p. 224-230
16 The influence of heavy metals on biological soil quality assessments in the Vaccinium myrtillus L. rhizosphere under different field conditions Kandziora-Ciupa, Marta

30 2 p. 292-310
17 Toxicological effects of different-sized Co–Fe (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles on Lepidium sativum L.: towards better understanding of nanophytotoxicity Montvydienė, D.

30 2 p. 277-291
18 Use of occupancy modelling to identify sample sizes and waterbodies with fish exceeding mercury consumption advisory thresholds Weber, Michael J.

30 2 p. 323-330
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland