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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute exposure to urban air pollution impairs olfactory learning and memory in honeybees Leonard, Ryan J.

28 9 p. 1056-1062
2 Acute toxicity of copper to the larval stage of three species of ambystomatid salamanders Weir, Scott M.

28 9 p. 1023-1031
3 Behavioral and immunotoxic effects of Prograf® (tacrolimus) in the male Siamese fighting fish Javanshir Khoei, Arash

28 9 p. 1032-1037
4 Cadmium toxicity and its relationship with disturbances in the cytoskeleton, cell cycle and chromosome stability Pizzaia, Daniel

28 9 p. 1046-1055
5 Effect of copper exposure and recovery period in reared Diplodus sargus Vaz, Cristiana

28 9 p. 1075-1084
6 Embryonic Fundulus heteroclitus responses to sediment extracts from differentially contaminated sites in the Elizabeth River, VA Volkoff, Savannah J.

28 9 p. 1126-1135
7 Evaluation of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a co-solvent for toxicity testing of hydrophobic organic compounds Modrzyński, Jakub J.

28 9 p. 1136-1141
8 Hormesis under oil-induced stress in Leersia hexandra Sw. used as phytoremediator in clay soils of the Mexican humid tropic Alberto Orocio-Carrillo, José

28 9 p. 1063-1074
9 Immune function in Trachemys scripta following exposure to a predominant brevetoxin congener, PbTx-3, as a model for potential health impacts for sea turtles naturally exposed to brevetoxins Walsh, Catherine J.

28 9 p. 1085-1104
10 Impact of insect growth regulators on biology and behavior of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Sohail, Mubasshir

28 9 p. 1115-1125
11 Modulation of brain serotonin by benzyl butyl phthalate in Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog) Deegan, A. M.

28 9 p. 1038-1045
12 Toxic effects of pyrethroids in tadpoles of Physalaemus gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae) Vanzetto, Guilherme V.

28 9 p. 1105-1114
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland