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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Application of Rating Conjoint Analysis to Study the Importance of Quality-, Access- and Price-attributes to Health Care Consumers Pavlova, Milena

37 3-4 p. 267-286
2 Book Review: Learning from Foreign Models in Latin American Policy Reform. Kurt Weyland. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, DC and The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London, 2004. 302 pp. $ 22.95 ISBN 0-8018-7917-5. Steel, Andrea

37 3-4 p. 287-290
3 Does Trade Liberalization Cause a Long Run Economic Growth in Turkey Utkulu, Utku

37 3-4 p. 245-266
4 Efficiency in Banking: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic Matoušek, Roman

37 3-4 p. 225-244
5 The Determinants of Trade Credit in Transition Countries Delannay, Anne-France

37 3-4 p. 173-193
6 The Role of Symmetry between the Revenue and the Expenditure Side of the Government Budget in the Debate about the Potential Negative Effects of Tax Competition Jevcak, Anton

37 3-4 p. 195-201
7 Transition, the Evolution of Stock Market Efficiency and Entry into EU: The Case of Romania Harrison, Barry

37 3-4 p. 203-223
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland