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                             65 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age- and Gender-Based Differences in Anorectal Function, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, and Constipation-Specific Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Constipation Nojkov, Borko

68 4 p. 1403-1410
2 A National Survey of the Infrastructure and Scope of Practice for Gastroenterology Hospitalists Wan, David W.

68 4 p. 1148-1155
3 A Risk Prediction Model for Post-endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis After Stent Insertion for Malignant Biliary Obstruction: Development and Validation Fu, Zhifeng

68 4 p. 1574-1584
4 A Single-Center Experience with Dupilumab for Atopic or Psoriasiform Dermatitis in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Spencer, Elizabeth A.

68 4 p. 1121-1124
5 Author Spotlight: Patrizia Alba Gentile Gentile, Patrizia Alba

68 4 p. 1112
6 Band Ligation Can Be Used to Treat Barrett’s Esophagus and Concurrent Esophageal Varices: A Case Series Hartgerink, Colin

68 4 p. 1381-1385
7 Besting the Biologics: Vancomycin Monotherapy for Ulcerative Colitis Management in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Ahmed, Taqwa

68 4 p. 1118-1120
8 Best Practices in Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: A Multidisciplinary Modified Delphi Study Kamal, Afrin N.

68 4 p. 1125-1138
9 Bi-directional Relationship Between Celiac Disease and Liver Chemistries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Aggarwal, Manik

68 4 p. 1369-1380
10 Cap-Assisted Endoscopic Esophageal Foreign Body Removal Is Safe and Efficacious Compared to Conventional Methods Ahmed, Zohaib

68 4 p. 1411-1425
11 Chromosome 12 Open Reading Frame 49 Promotes Tumor Growth and Predicts Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer Tao, Yiming

68 4 p. 1306-1315
12 Clinical Outcomes of Inside Stents and Conventional Plastic Stents as Bridge-to-Surgery Options for Malignant Hilar Biliary Obstruction Ishiwatari, Hirotoshi

68 4 p. 1139-1147
13 Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Benign Peptic Ulcer Bleeding After an Emergency Endoscopy Based on Patient Location Cha, Boram

68 4 p. 1539-1550
14 Computed Tomography-Based Deep Learning Nomogram Can Accurately Predict Lymph Node Metastasis in Gastric Cancer Guan, Xiao

68 4 p. 1473-1481
15 Concomitant Diseases and Co-contribution on Progression of Liver Stiffness in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection Liu, Chang-Hai

68 4 p. 1605-1614
16 COVID-19 Pandemic Had Minimal Impact on Colonoscopy Completion After Colorectal Cancer Red Flag Sign or Symptoms in US Veterans Demb, Joshua

68 4 p. 1208-1217
17 Crohn’s Disease Among the Poorest Billion: Burden of Crohn’s Disease in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries Rajbhandari, Ruma

68 4 p. 1226-1236
18 Depression Exacerbates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis via IRF5-Mediated Macrophage Polarization Liang, Chang

68 4 p. 1269-1279
19 Does Sharpening the Focus Broaden the Depth of the Field? Defining the Scope of the GI Hospitalist Model Flanagan, Ryan F.

68 4 p. 1080-1081
20 Dual-Regulated Mechanism of EZH2 and KDM6A on SALL4 Modulates Tumor Progression via Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway in Gastric Cancer Ren, Lei

68 4 p. 1292-1305
21 Effects of Hepatitis B Virus Infection on Patients with COVID-19: A Meta-Analysis Yu, Yang

68 4 p. 1615-1631
22 Efficacy and Predictors of Pain Response to Combined Antioxidants in Children with Chronic Pancreatitis Gopan, Amrit

68 4 p. 1500-1510
23 Efficacy and Safety of Bezafibrate Alone or in Combination with Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Primary Biliary Cholangitis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Khakoo, Nidah Shabbir

68 4 p. 1559-1573
24 Electronic Health Record Work Demands for Gastroenterology and Hepatology Providers: A Prospective Use Analysis and Survey Study Benson, Mark

68 4 p. 1218-1225
25 Endo-histologic Normalization Is Achievable with Tofacitinib and Is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcomes Cohen, Nathaniel A.

68 4 p. 1464-1472
26 Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Transgastric ERCP (EDGE) Utilization of Trends Among Interventional Endoscopists Shah-Khan, Sardar M.

68 4 p. 1167-1177
27 Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Antegrade Stent Placement in Patients with Failed ERCP as a Modality of Preoperative and Palliative Biliary Drainage Sundaram, Sridhar

68 4 p. 1551-1558
28 Erythromycin Improves the Quality of Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Network Meta-Analysis Aziz, Muhammad

68 4 p. 1435-1446
29 Existing Bowel Preparation Quality Scales Are Reliable in the Setting of Centralized Endoscopy Reading Hanzel, Jurij

68 4 p. 1195-1207
30 Fecal Microbiome Associated with Both Colon Adenomas and Lifetime Colorectal Cancer Risk Alharfi, Sarah

68 4 p. 1492-1499
31 Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade Simulation Training with 3D Printed Model Improves Knowledge, Skill, and Confidence Mowry, Christopher

68 4 p. 1187-1194
32 Hair Loss in Patients with Gastroparesis: A Sign of Nutritional Deficiency in Gastroparesis? Silver, Paul J.

68 4 p. 1397-1402
33 Hydrogen Availability Is Dependent on the Actions of Both Hydrogen-Producing and Hydrogen-Consuming Microbes Birg, Aleksandr

68 4 p. 1253-1259
34 Impact of Disease Activity and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Subtype on Quality of Life in Preconception and Pregnant Patients Wang, Grace

68 4 p. 1156-1166
35 Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Incidence and Mortality from Gastric and Esophageal Cancer Niroomand, Elaheh

68 4 p. 1178-1186
36 Ischemic Jejunal Stricture Secondary to Polycythemia Vera McFarquhar, Ashley

68 4 p. 1077-1079
37 Liver Cirrhosis Patients Homozygous for MTHFR C677T Develop Portal Vein Thrombosis 8 Years Earlier Than Wild Type Ames, Paul R. J.

68 4 p. 1332-1338
38 Long-Term Impact of Endoscopic Gallbladder Stenting for Calculous Cholecystitis in Poor Surgical Candidates: A Multi-center Comparative Study Inoue, Tadahisa

68 4 p. 1529-1538
39 Methylation Mediated Downregulation of TOB1-AS1 and TOB1 Correlates with Malignant Progression and Poor Prognosis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dong, Zhiming

68 4 p. 1316-1331
40 Mid-Term and Long-Term Outcomes of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for the Treatment of Achalasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Zhang, Han

68 4 p. 1386-1396
41 Missing Causality and Heritability of Autoimmune Hepatitis Czaja, Albert J.

68 4 p. 1585-1604
42 “M1/M2” Muscularis Macrophages Are Associated with Reduction of Interstitial Cells of Cajal and Glial Cells in Achalasia Qian, Haisheng

68 4 p. 1260-1268
43 Motorized Spiral Enteroscopy Is Effective in Patients with Prior Abdominal Surgery Giordano, Antonio

68 4 p. 1447-1454
44 Muscle Mass Effect: The Importance of Diagnosing and Treating Sarcopenia in Patients with Advanced Chronic Liver Disease Paternostro, Rafael

68 4 p. 1089-1090
45 NEDD8-Activating Enzyme Inhibitor MLN4924 Inhibits Both the Tumor Stroma and Angiogenesis in Pancreatic Cancer via Gli1 and REDD1 Mao, Weilin

68 4 p. 1351-1363
46 Nintedanib Induces the Autophagy-Dependent Death of Gastric Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the STAT3/Beclin1 Pathway Zhu, Hui

68 4 p. 1280-1291
47 Non-celiac Gluten Intolerance: A Call to Clarify Jossen, Jacqueline

68 4 p. 1084-1085
48 On a Knife’s Edge: Management of Vulvar Cutaneous Crohn’s Disease Evans, Nicole S.

68 4 p. 1113-1117
49 P-element-Induced Wimpy-Testis-Like Protein 1 Regulates the Activation of Pancreatic Stellate Cells Through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway Xue, Ran

68 4 p. 1339-1350
50 Pre-existing, Concurrent/Early-Onset, and Late-Onset Diabetes in Chronic Pancreatitis: Do Outcomes Differ? Zuberi, Shaharyar A.

68 4 p. 1519-1524
51 Prepandemic Prevalence Estimates of Fatty Liver Disease and Fibrosis Defined by Liver Elastography in the United States Unalp-Arida, Aynur

68 4 p. 1237-1252
52 Relationship Between Esophageal Disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis Zhou, Joyce C.

68 4 p. 1096-1105
53 Safety and Efficacy of Sedation During Emergency Endoscopy for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Yamaguchi, Daisuke

68 4 p. 1426-1434
54 SALL4 Expression in Epithelial Gastric Cancer: Epigenetic or Epiphenomenon? Jamma, Trinath

68 4 p. 1082-1083
55 Sarcopenia Defined by Psoas Muscle Thickness Predicts Mortality After Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Li, Tongqiang

68 4 p. 1641-1652
56 Self-Reported Gluten Intolerance Is Prevalent, but Not All Gluten-Containing Foods Are Equal Jansson-Knodell, Claire L.

68 4 p. 1364-1368
57 Similar Time Trends of Hodgkin Lymphoma, Multiple Sclerosis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Sonnenberg, Amnon

68 4 p. 1455-1463
58 Speckled Pigment of Upper GI Tract Mucosa on Endoscopy: A Case of Pseudomelanosis of the Stomach and Proximal Small Bowel Abdul-Baki, Kian

68 4 p. 1075-1076
59 Stratification Based on Risk Factors at Diagnosis Could Predict Progression in Patients with Pancreatic Cysts Sugio, Ryo

68 4 p. 1511-1518
60 The Frequency of Germline BRCA and Non-BRCA HR-Gene-Variants in a Cohort of Pancreatic Cancer Patients Baz, M.

68 4 p. 1525-1528
61 Transplant Hepatology Fellowship Websites: The Good, the Bad, and the Unhelpful Jafri, Faraz I.

68 4 p. 1091-1095
62 Type of Infection Is Associated with Prognosis in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: A National Veterans Health Administration Study Mahmud, Nadim

68 4 p. 1632-1640
63 Underwater Versus Conventional Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Superficial Non-ampullary Duodenal Epithelial Tumors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Lee, Jae Gon

68 4 p. 1482-1491
64 Une Liaison Dangereuse: Spontaneous Pyeloduodenal Fistula Gentile, Patrizia Alba

68 4 p. 1106-1111
65 Untangling the Link Between Gastroparesis, Micronutrient Deficiency, and Hair Loss Flanagan, Ryan F.

68 4 p. 1086-1088
                             65 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland