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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Algorithmic fairness datasets: the story so far Fabris, Alessandro

36 6 p. 2074-2152
2 An external stability audit framework to test the validity of personality prediction in AI hiring Rhea, Alene K.

36 6 p. 2153-2193
3 Decision tree boosted varying coefficient models Zhou, Yichen

36 6 p. 2237-2271
4 Exploring potential biases towards blockbuster items in ranking-based recommendations Yalcin, Emre

36 6 p. 2033-2073
5 Fairness in vulnerable attribute prediction on social media Beiró, Mariano G.

36 6 p. 2194-2213
6 Joint dynamic topic model for recognition of lead-lag relationship in two text corpora Zhu, Yandi

36 6 p. 2272-2298
7 Personalised meta-path generation for heterogeneous graph neural networks Zhong, Zhiqiang

36 6 p. 2299-2333
8 POI recommendation with queuing time and user interest awareness Halder, Sajal

36 6 p. 2379-2409
9 Reducing polarization and increasing diverse navigability in graphs by inserting edges and swapping edge weights Haddadan, Shahrzad

36 6 p. 2334-2378
10 Transfer how much: a fine-grained measure of the knowledge transferability of user behavior sequences in social network Li, Nuo

36 6 p. 2214-2236
11 Wisdom of the contexts: active ensemble learning for contextual anomaly detection Calikus, Ece

36 6 p. 2410-2458
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland