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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of incentivizing effects for cancer care frameworks Haier, Jörg

37 4 p. 447-450
2 Comparing the fate of brain metastatic breast cancer cells in different immune compromised mice with cellular magnetic resonance imaging Knier, Natasha N.

37 4 p. 465-475
3 Cumulative intracranial tumour volume prognostic assessment: a new predicting score index for patients with brain metastases treated by stereotactic radiosurgery Donofrio, Carmine Antonio

37 4 p. 499-508
4 Development of 131I-ixolaris as a theranostic agent: metastatic melanoma preclinical studies Barboza, Thiago

37 4 p. 489-497
5 Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) in cancer cell metastasis: from the cells to the patients Spanopoulou, Anna

37 4 p. 451-464
6 Indwelling pleural catheter versus talc pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusion: a meta-analysis Yeung, Maggie

37 4 p. 541-549
7 Mass spectrometry-based proteomic capture of proteins bound to the MACC1 promoter in colon cancer Huang, Yahui

37 4 p. 477-487
8 Predictors of prognosis of synchronous brain metastases in small-cell lung cancer patients Reddy, Sumanth P.

37 4 p. 531-539
9 Prognostic influence of the treatment approach for pulmonary metastasis in patients with soft tissue sarcoma Kawamoto, Teruya

37 4 p. 509-517
10 Stereobody radiotherapy for nodal recurrences in oligometastatic patients: a pooled analysis from two phase I clinical trials Deodato, Francesco

37 4 p. 519-529
11 The clinical efficacy of PSMA PET/MRI in biochemically recurrent prostate cancer compared with standard of care imaging modalities and confirmatory histopathology: results of a single-centre, prospective clinical trial Joshi, A.

37 4 p. 551-560
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland