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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new insight into a thermoplastic microfluidic device aimed at improvement of oxygenation process and avoidance of shear stress during cell culture Sheidaei, Zohreh

24 2 artikel
2 A novel, minimally invasive implant to assist in repeated intraocular drug delivery Chawla, Rohan

24 2 artikel
3 Enhanced immunoassay in a nanofluidic preconcentrator utilizing nano-interstices among self-assembled gold nanoparticles Vu-Dinh, Hien

24 2 artikel
4 Geometry effect in multi-step crossflow microfluidic devices for red blood cells separation and deformability assessment Faustino, Vera

24 2 artikel
5 Lensless light intensity model for quasi-spherical cell size measurement Li, Jianwei

24 2 artikel
6 Measurement of dielectric properties of cells at single-cell resolution using electrorotation Li, Yuwen

24 2 artikel
7 Multi-objective optimisation of polymerase chain reaction continuous flow systems Zagklavara, Foteini

24 2 artikel
8 Recent advances in optically induced di-electrophoresis and its biomedical applications Cai, Shuxiang

24 2 artikel
9 Well-free agglomeration and on-demand three-dimensional cell cluster formation using guided surface acoustic waves through a couplant layer Mei, Jiyang

24 2 artikel
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland