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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A geographically variable model of hemlock woolly adelgid spread Evans, Alexander M.

9 4 p. 369-382
2 A simulation model of plant invasion: long-distance dispersal determines the pattern of spread Nehrbass, Nana

9 4 p. 383-395
3 Behaviourally and genetically distinct populations of an invasive ant provide insight into invasion history and impacts on a tropical ant community Abbott, K. L.

9 4 p. 453-463
4 Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in the Baltic Sea—a supply-side invader? Ojaveer, Henn

9 4 p. 409-418
5 Effects of invasive cane toads on Australian mosquitoes: Does the dark cloud have a silver lining? Hagman, Mattias

9 4 p. 445-452
6 Elton’s hypothesis revisited: an experimental test using cogongrass Collins, A. R.

9 4 p. 433-443
7 Fruit type, life form and origin determine the success of woody plant invaders in an urban landscape Aronson, Myla F. J.

9 4 p. 465-475
8 Phytotoxic activity of caulerpenyne from the Mediterranean invasive variety of Caulerpa racemosa: a potential allelochemical Raniello, Raffaella

9 4 p. 361-368
9 Reconstructing past biological invasions: niche shifts in response to invasive predators and competitors Eastwood, Meg M.

9 4 p. 397-407
10 The effects on terrestrial arthropod communities of invasion of a coastal heath ecosystem by the exotic weed bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata L.) Wilkie, Lance

9 4 p. 477-498
11 Using map algebra to determine the mesoscale distribution of invasive plants: the case of Celastrus orbiculatus in Southern Illinois, USA Pande, Archana

9 4 p. 419-431
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland