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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adding insult to injury: anthropogenic noise intensifies predation risk by an invasive freshwater fish species Fernandez-Declerck, Marina

25 9 p. 2775-2785
2 A hotchpotch of water frogs in northern Italy Bellati, Adriana

25 9 p. 2737-2745
3 A systems approach to biosecurity pays off: a case study investigating introduction pathways and interceptions of non-indigenous species at a biosecurity border Kachigunda, Barbara

25 9 p. 2849-2871
4 Changes in native fish communities in response to the presence of alien brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) in four lakes (Poland) Kalinowska, Krystyna

25 9 p. 2891-2900
5 Changing litter composition following the dual invasion of Amur honeysuckle and the emerald ash borer alters fungal driven decomposition in Midwestern forests Reed, Adam M.

25 9 p. 2949-2966
6 Choice of climate data influences predictions for current and future global invasion risks for two Phelsuma geckos Dubos, Nicolas

25 9 p. 2929-2948
7 Climatic niche dynamics in the invasive nutria, Myocastor coypus: global assessment under climate change Vaissi, Somaye

25 9 p. 2763-2774
8 Comparing common Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) removal techniques: cost efficacy and response of native plant community Rowe, Helen I.

25 9 p. 2901-2916
9 Contemporary distribution of non-native Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in South America Figueroa-Muñoz, Guillermo

25 9 p. 2727-2735
10 Correction: Adding insult to injury: anthropogenic noise intensifies predation risk by an invasive freshwater fish species Fernandez-Declerck, Marina

25 9 p. 2787
11 Density-dependent predation and predator preference for native prey may facilitate an invasive crab’s escape from natural enemies Kinney, Kaitlin A.

25 9 p. 2967-2976
12 Differing responses of native and non-native slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) to local vegetation structure and landscape composition in cool-temperate forested wetlands Medeiros, Hugo Reis

25 9 p. 2789-2799
13 Evidence of a compensatory response in invasive Rusty Crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) following intensive harvest removal from northern Lake Michigan fish spawning reefs Kvistad, Jake T.

25 9 p. 2831-2847
14 Influential factors and barriers change along the invasion continuum of an alien plant Montero-Castaño, Ana

25 9 p. 2977-2991
15 Invasive gibel carp use vacant space and occupy lower trophic niche compared to endangered native crucian carp Tapkir, Sandip

25 9 p. 2917-2928
16 Molecular analyses unveil colouration patterns to detect hybridization between two of the most invasive peacock bass species (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) de Souza Cruz Nóbrega, Felipe

25 9 p. 2873-2890
17 Plant migration due to winter climate change: range expansion of tropical invasive plants in response to warming winters Osland, Michael J.

25 9 p. 2813-2830
18 Rapid increase in knowledge about the distribution of introduced predatory Testacella species (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) in North America by community scientists Hausdorf, Bernhard

25 9 p. 2717-2725
19 Socioeconomic impacts of Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in Lake Kariba Chakandinakira, Adroit T.

25 9 p. 2801-2812
20 The geographic scope of host use by the ladybeetle parasitoid Dinocampus coccinellae Ricupero, Michele

25 9 p. 3009-3024
21 Trophic interactions between native newts and introduced mosquitofish suggest invaded ponds may act as demographic sinks Lejeune, Benjamin

25 9 p. 2993-3007
22 Warm temperatures and host tree abundance explain variation in directional spread by laurel wilt Ward, Samuel F.

25 9 p. 2747-2761
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland