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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A microbial tale of farming, invasion and conservation: on the gut bacteria of European and American mink in Western Europe van Leeuwen, Pauline M. L.

25 6 p. 1693-1709
2 Ant invasion is associated with lower root density and different root distribution of a foundational savanna tree species Milligan, Patrick D.

25 6 p. 1683-1691
3 A restructured Bayesian approach to estimate the abundance of a rare and invasive fish Gouveia, Ana

25 6 p. 1711-1721
4 A temporal assessment of risk of non-indigenous species introduction by ballast water to Canadian coastal waters based on environmental similarity Song, Ruixin

25 6 p. 1991-2005
5 Combining multiple lines of evidence to elucidate the origin and introduction pathway of bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata) in Australia Emmett, Amanda M.

25 6 p. 1881-1905
6 Effects of an ensonified bubble curtain and a cyclic sound on blocking 10 species of fishes including 4 invasive carps in a laboratory flume Feely, Jane R.

25 6 p. 1973-1989
7 Extracting exotic annual grass phenology and climate relations in western U.S. rangeland ecoregions Benedict, Trenton D.

25 6 p. 2023-2041
8 Feeding pressure on meroplankton by the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi Schroeder, Anna

25 6 p. 2007-2021
9 Genotypic detection of barriers to rat dispersal: Rattus rattus behind a peninsula predator-proof fence Yarita, Shogo

25 6 p. 1723-1738
10 Historical analysis reveals ecological shifts in two omnivorous fish after the invasion of Limnoperna fortunei in the Uruguay river González-Bergonzoni, Ivan

25 6 p. 1935-1954
11 Invasive vermiculated sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) has an impact on highly valued native fish species Parvez, Md. Taskin

25 6 p. 1795-1809
12 Microsatellites and mitochondrial evidence of multiple introductions of the invasive raccoon Procyon lotor in France Larroque, Jérémy

25 6 p. 1955-1972
13 Multi-year landscape-scale efficacy analysis of fluridone treatment of invasive submerged aquatic vegetation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Khanna, Shruti

25 6 p. 1827-1843
14 Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub Kalusová, Veronika

25 6 p. 1739-1765
15 Newly introduced butterfly species’ urban habitat use driven by shorter vegetation and exotic plants Dexheimer, E.

25 6 p. 1767-1777
16 Per-capita impacts of an invasive grass vary across levels of ecological organization in a tropical savanna Damasceno, Gabriella

25 6 p. 1811-1826
17 Predicting how climate change and globally invasive piscivorous fishes will interact to threaten populations of endemic fishes in a freshwater biodiversity hotspot Emiroğlu, Özgür

25 6 p. 1907-1920
18 Public perceptions about the invasive pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana: a case study of environmentally conscious citizens in Southern Europe Roldão Almeida, Mónica

25 6 p. 2043-2056
19 Scavenging dynamics on Guam and implications for invasive species management Hill, Jacob E.

25 6 p. 1845-1858
20 Successful intertidal colonization of the invasive macroalga Codium fragile near its equatorial/warm range limit in the South-East Pacific Jofré Madariaga, David

25 6 p. 1859-1879
21 Temporal decline of genetic differentiation among populations of western flower thrips across an invaded range Sun, Li-Na

25 6 p. 1921-1933
22 The ‘lawnification’ of Australia’s eastern grassy woodlands: the past, current and likely future spread of an invasive perennial grass, Bothriochloa pertusa Lebbink, Gabrielle

25 6 p. 1779-1794
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland