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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alien flora of Nigeria: taxonomy, biogeography, habitats, and ecological impacts Borokini, Israel T.

25 12 p. 3677-3696
2 A review of methods for detecting rats at low densities, with implications for surveillance Davis, Robert A.

25 12 p. 3773-3791
3 Assessing the genetic diversity of Nymphoides peltata in the native and adventive range using microsatellite markers Tippery, Nicholas P.

25 12 p. 3949-3963
4 Assessing the suitability of YY males and ZZ females as an invasive species population control method across life histories Erickson, Richard A.

25 12 p. 3737-3751
5 Biophysical factors control invasive annual grass hot spots in the Mojave Desert Smith, Tanner Corless

25 12 p. 3839-3858
6 Body condition variation in a riverine piscivore: have small non-native cyprinids benefited an endangered fish? Osmundson, Douglas B.

25 12 p. 3823-3837
7 Combining remote sensing, habitat suitability models and cellular automata to model the spread of the invasive shrub Ulex europaeus Gränzig, Tobias

25 12 p. 3711-3736
8 Contrasting invasion histories and effects of three non-native fishes observed with long-term monitoring data Pintar, Matthew R.

25 12 p. 3887-3903
9 Current patterns of non-native vertebrate introductions in Brazil: introduction pathways and the contribution of niche dynamics in understanding the invasion process Adelino, José Ricardo Pires

25 12 p. 3753-3772
10 How likely was the successful introduction of the island canary to Midway Atoll? Levy, Jonah

25 12 p. 3931-3947
11 Invasive lionfish dispersal between shallow- and deep-water habitats within coastal Floridian waters Airey, Montana E.

25 12 p. 3983-3991
12 Laboratory validation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker 1857) detection de Paula, Rayan Silva

25 12 p. 3859-3870
13 Landscape attributes explain co-occurrence between an endemic amphibian and alien trout in mountainous streams of Córdoba (Argentina) Bonino, Andrea

25 12 p. 3793-3803
14 Limited top–down effects of feral cats on rodent dynamics in a seabird colony Scomparin, Cyril

25 12 p. 3965-3981
15 Native bamboo increases biotic resistance to Pinus contorta invasion in temperate forest ecosystems Ulloa, Javier

25 12 p. 3905-3915
16 Past population control biases interpretations of contemporary genetic data: implications for future invasive Sitka black-tailed deer management in Haida Gwaii Burgess, Brock T.

25 12 p. 3871-3886
17 Pattern to process, research to practice: remote sensing of plant invasions Müllerová, Jana

25 12 p. 3651-3676
18 Quantifying regional-scale impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid invasion on North American forest bird communities Amaral, Bruna R.

25 12 p. 4009-4025
19 Regional habitat suitability for aquatic and terrestrial invasive plant species may expand or contract with climate change Nikkel, Emma

25 12 p. 3805-3822
20 Replacement of native trees by the neotropical invasive tree Cedrela odorata L. in the Kimboza Forest Reserve, Tanzania Kilawe, Charles Joseph

25 12 p. 3697-3710
21 The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis Shepta, Erin

25 12 p. 3993-4008
22 Widely naturalized species are not more promiscuous to different nitrogen forms, but benefit more from inorganic nitrogen Zeng, Jianjun

25 12 p. 3917-3930
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland