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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advancing our understanding of biological invasions with long-term biomonitoring data Haubrock, Phillip J.

25 11 p. 3637-3649
2 Competitive effects of an invasive grass on native annuals are species-specific and independent of water availability Braun, Jenna

25 11 p. 3353-3359
3 Correction: Niche conservatism and geographical range expansion of Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculate in non‑native United States and China Qin, Zhong

25 11 p. 3407
4 Correction: Reconsidering invasion history of common land snails in Japan through genome-wide analyses Hirano, Takahiro

25 11 p. 3551-3552
5 Discerning the status of a rapidly declining naturalised bird: the Golden Pheasant in Britain Smith, William J.

25 11 p. 3341-3351
6 Dynamic connectivity analyses to inform management of the invasive American mink and its native competitor, the European mink Goicolea, Teresa

25 11 p. 3583-3601
7 Ecological effects of reed canarygrass in the lower Columbia River Cordell, Jeffery R.

25 11 p. 3485-3502
8 Genomic databanks provide robust assessment of invasive mosquito movement pathways and cryptic establishment Schmidt, Thomas L.

25 11 p. 3453-3469
9 Historical trends of aquatic invasive species introduction and establishment in Illinois, USA Cranberg, Carter S.

25 11 p. 3361-3368
10 Hyperspectral discrimination of Eichhornia crassipes covers, in the red edge and near infrared in a Mediterranean river Ghoussein, Youssra

25 11 p. 3619-3635
11 Incorporating functional connectivity into species distribution models improves the prediction of invasiveness of an exotic species not at niche equilibrium Pereira, Pedro Filipe

25 11 p. 3517-3533
12 Introduced competitor reduces abundance of an imperiled cottontail Bischoff, Kathryn E.

25 11 p. 3553-3566
13 Introduced mangroves exhibit less leaf damage and greater performance than native mangroves Davidson, Timothy M.

25 11 p. 3503-3515
14 Invasive Asteraceae plants can enhance community stability by changing pollination network structure, yet cause intense pollen disturbance to native plants in an oceanic island community Wang, Xiang-Ping

25 11 p. 3603-3618
15 Modeling habitat suitability across different levels of invasive plant abundance Beaury, Evelyn M.

25 11 p. 3471-3483
16 Niche conservatism and geographical range expansion of Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculata in non-native United States and China Qin, Zhong

25 11 p. 3391-3405
17 Non-linear effects on the population performance of Bighead Carp under different maturation schedules Dean, Erik K.

25 11 p. 3567-3581
18 Reconsidering invasion history of common land snails in Japan through genome-wide analyses Hirano, Takahiro

25 11 p. 3535-3549
19 River bank burrowing is innate in native and invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and is driven by biotic and abiotic cues Sanders, C. H.

25 11 p. 3425-3442
20 Test of the colonization ability of the invasive alien plant Flaveria bidentis (Asteraceae) in southern China Xin-Chen, Li

25 11 p. 3409-3424
21 Title: detection of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) indicates widespread successful reproduction and different life-history strategies in the extreme south of Patagonia Chalde, Tomás

25 11 p. 3443-3452
22 Using network analysis to study and manage human-mediated dispersal of exotic species Runghen, Rogini

25 11 p. 3369-3389
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland