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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alien and cryptogenic fungi and oomycetes in Austria: an annotated checklist (2nd edition) Voglmayr, Hermann

25 1 p. 27-38
2 Alien plants of Iran: impacts, distribution and managements Sohrabi, Sima

25 1 p. 97-114
3 Analyses of habitat suitability and invasion potential of Lantana camara under current climate in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: an implication for environmental management Seid, Mohammed Adefa

25 1 p. 153-163
4 Broussonetia papyrifera invasion reduces the abundance and basal area of selected native timber species in a tropical moist forest in Uganda Ssemanda, Davis Mark

25 1 p. 165-178
5 Climate change and more disturbed land-use types will further the invasion of a non-native annual grass, Ventenata dubia Adhikari, Arjun

25 1 p. 285-296
6 Comprehensive treatment of plant invasions through a geographic lens Vilà, Montserrat

25 1 p. 297-298
7 Differential effects of transgenerational plasticity on morphological and photosynthetic properties between an invasive plant and its congeneric native one Xiao, Xiao

25 1 p. 115-123
8 Exploring the performance of Biological Invasions in social media five years after opening its Facebook and Twitter accounts Novoa, Ana

25 1 p. 141-152
9 Factors driving human–wild pig interactions: implications for wildlife conflict management in southern parts of India Milda, David

25 1 p. 221-235
10 Food web of Mocha Island (Chile) reveals the interaction between the invasive Rattus rattus and the endemic anuran Eupsophus insularis Lobos, Gabriel

25 1 p. 7-15
11 Global assessment of three Rumex species reveals inconsistent climatic niche shifts across multiple introduced ranges Carlin, Thomas F.

25 1 p. 79-96
12 Global distribution and diversity of alien Ponto-Caspian amphipods Copilaș-Ciocianu, Denis

25 1 p. 179-195
13 Invasive success of Ipomoea carnea Jacq. through plasticity in physio-anatomical and phytochemical traits across diversified habitats Shah, Syed Mohsan Raza

25 1 p. 197-219
14 Mikania sesquiterpene lactones enhance soil bacterial diversity and fungal and bacterial activities Yu, Hanxia

25 1 p. 237-250
15 More time for aliens? Performance shifts lead to increased activity time budgets propelling invasion success Ginal, Philipp

25 1 p. 267-283
16 Physiochemical responses of Ailanthus altissima under the challenge of Verticillium dahliae: elucidating the decline of one of the world’s worst invasive alien plant species Pisuttu, Claudia

25 1 p. 61-78
17 Species distribution models and climatic niche comparisons provide clues on the geographic origin of a spider invasion in the Americas Segura-Hernández, Laura

25 1 p. 251-265
18 The invasive pathogenic fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus alters predator–herbivore–ash food webs Khum, Warbota

25 1 p. 125-131
19 The Jorō spider (Trichonephila clavata) in the southeastern U.S.: an opportunity for research and a call for reasonable journalism Chuang, Angela

25 1 p. 17-26
20 The right tree in the right place? A major economic tree species poses major ecological threats Bellingham, P. J.

25 1 p. 39-60
21 Variation in Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) trophic position as a function of time Baratelli, Evelyne

25 1 p. 133-140
22 What’s coming eventually comes: a follow-up on an invader’s spread by the world’s largest water diversion in China Wang, Hao

25 1 p. 1-5
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland