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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A functional ecology framework for understanding and predicting animal responses to plant invasion Litt, Andrea R.

24 9 p. 2693-2705
2 An invasive population of Roseau Cane Scale in the Mississippi River Delta, USA originated from northeastern China Schneider, Scott A.

24 9 p. 2735-2755
3 Can the enemy release hypothesis explain the success of Rumex (Polygonaceae) species in an introduced range? Costan, Cristian-Andrei

24 9 p. 2665-2677
4 Can the timing and duration of planktonic larval development contribute to invasion success? A case study comparing range expansion in the European green crab, Carcinus maenas, and the native lined shore crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes, in the northeast Pacific Behrens Yamada, Sylvia

24 9 p. 2917-2932
5 Effects of temperature and host plant fragmentation on Lymantria dispar population growth along its expanding population front Metz, Riley

24 9 p. 2679-2691
6 Endemism, invasion, and overseas dispersal: the phylogeographic history of the Lesser Antillean frog, Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Yuan, Michael L.

24 9 p. 2707-2722
7 Factors driving historic intercontinental invasions of European pine bark beetles Vilardo, Gimena

24 9 p. 2973-2991
8 Far beyond the Amazon: global distribution, environmental suitability, and invasive potential of the two most introduced peacock bass Franco, Ana Clara Sampaio

24 9 p. 2851-2872
9 Host-parasite relationships in invasive species: macroecological framework Sarabeev, Volodimir

24 9 p. 2649-2664
10 Identifying key processes and drivers affecting the presence of non-indigenous marine species in coastal waters Lindegren, Martin

24 9 p. 2835-2850
11 Invasion of plants in towns and roadsides around the Iguaque massif (Boyacá, Colombia) Sandoval, Luisa María

24 9 p. 2639-2648
12 Modeling and estimating co-occurrence between the invasive Shiny Cowbird and its Puerto Rican hosts Patton, Philip T.

24 9 p. 2951-2960
13 Predator suppression by a toxic invader does not cascade to prey due to predation by alternate predators Teunissen, Niki

24 9 p. 2723-2733
14 Prioritization of invasive alien species with the potential to threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Kenya through horizon scanning Mulema, Joseph

24 9 p. 2933-2949
15 Recovery of a native tree following removal of an invasive competitor with implications for endangered bird habitat Goetz, Alexander

24 9 p. 2769-2793
16 Roots of invasive woody plants produce more diverse flavonoids than non-invasive taxa, a global analysis Borda, Valentina

24 9 p. 2757-2768
17 Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) impacts on benthic fish communities in two tributaries of the Great Lakes McAllister, Keith

24 9 p. 2885-2903
18 Seed dispersal by frugivores and germination of the invasive alien shrub Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K. Schneid. in Free State Province, South Africa Adams, Lehlohonolo D.

24 9 p. 2809-2819
19 The effects of the nonnative brittle star Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 on the feeding performance of an octocoral host in a southwestern Atlantic rocky shore Derviche, Patrick

24 9 p. 2821-2833
20 The invasive annual grass Ventenata dubia is insensitive to experimental removal of above-ground resident biomass across a productivity gradient Tortorelli, Claire M.

24 9 p. 2961-2971
21 Trait differences between and within ranges of an invasive legume species Hoffbeck, Carmen

24 9 p. 2873-2883
22 Vulnerability in Antarctic limpets: ready for an invasion of shell-crushing predators? Pardo, Luis Miguel

24 9 p. 2795-2808
23 Wildlife trade and the establishment of invasive alien species in Indonesia: management, policy, and regulation of the commercial sale of songbirds Nijman, Vincent

24 9 p. 2905-2916
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland