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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abundance of introduced rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in central Florida Wilson, Audrey C.

24 7 p. 2217-2228
2 Are the “100 of the world’s worst” invasive species also the costliest? Cuthbert, Ross N.

24 7 p. 1895-1904
3 Correction to: Managing biological invasions: the cost of inaction Ahmed, Danish A.

24 7 p. 1947-1948
4 Ecological features of exotic Vespula wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) invading the southernmost UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Rendoll-Cárcamo, Javier

24 7 p. 2103-2112
5 Economic costs of invasive alien ants worldwide Angulo, Elena

24 7 p. 2041-2060
6 Functional traits explain non-native plant species richness and occupancy on northern New Zealand islands Mologni, Fabio

24 7 p. 2135-2154
7 Highly sensitive environmental DNA detection of topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva: a comparison of qPCR and microfluidic qdPCR Manfrin, Chiara

24 7 p. 2121-2133
8 Individuals from non-native populations are stronger and bigger than individuals from native populations of a widespread seaweed Murren, Courtney J.

24 7 p. 2169-2180
9 Introduction pathways of economically costly invasive alien species Turbelin, Anna J.

24 7 p. 2061-2079
10 Invasional meltdown via horizontal gene transfer of a European symbiosis island variant in North American nodule symbionts of Cytisus scoparius Kruger, Rachel F.

24 7 p. 2113-2120
11 Invasive alien species as simultaneous benefits and burdens: trends, stakeholder perceptions and management Kourantidou, Melina

24 7 p. 1905-1926
12 Managing biological invasions: the cost of inaction Ahmed, Danish A.

24 7 p. 1927-1946
13 Mapping the life-history, development, and survival of spotted lantern fly in occupied and uninvaded ranges Maino, James L.

24 7 p. 2155-2167
14 Massive economic costs of biological invasions despite widespread knowledge gaps: a dual setback for India Bang, Alok

24 7 p. 2017-2039
15 Modelling the damage costs of invasive alien species Ahmed, Danish A.

24 7 p. 1949-1972
16 Multiple introductions and genetic admixture facilitate the successful invasion of Plantago virginica into China Tang, Jieshi

24 7 p. 2261-2272
17 Predicting current and future distribution of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. (Rhamnaceae) worldwide Bergamin, Rodrigo Scarton

24 7 p. 2229-2243
18 Predicting spatially heterogeneous invasive spread: Pyracantha angustifolia invading a dry Andean valley in northern Argentina Plenderleith, Fiona A.

24 7 p. 2201-2216
19 Role of non-indigenous species in structuring benthic communities after fragmentation events: an experimental approach Cacabelos, Eva

24 7 p. 2181-2199
20 Spatial preferences for invasion management: a choice experiment on controlling Ludwigia grandiflora in a French regional park Bougherara, Douadia

24 7 p. 1973-1993
21 Surprisingly high economic costs of biological invasions in protected areas Moodley, Desika

24 7 p. 1995-2016
22 The nature of economic costs of biological invasions Vaissière, Anne-Charlotte

24 7 p. 2081-2101
23 Wide tolerance to environmental conditions and substrate colonization mediates the invasion of false mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in brackish systems Rodrigues, Antonio J. S.

24 7 p. 2245-2260
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland