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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aquatic invasive species specialists’ perceptions on the importance of genetic tools and concepts to inform management Bernos, T. A.

24 6 p. 1863-1879
2 Challenges in eDNA detection of the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas Danziger, Ariella M.

24 6 p. 1881-1894
3 Citizen science reveals current distribution, predicted habitat suitability and resource requirements of the introduced African Carder Bee Pseudoanthidium (Immanthidium) repetitum in Australia Dart, Keeley

24 6 p. 1827-1838
4 Declining readability of research on biological invasions over two decades Hulme, Philip E.

24 6 p. 1651-1660
5 Distribution and potential impacts of non-native Chinese pond mussels Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) in Bavaria, Germany Dobler, Andreas H.

24 6 p. 1689-1706
6 Diverse native island flora shows rapid initial passive recovery after exotic herbivore removal on Santa Rosa Island, California Thomson, Diane M.

24 6 p. 1635-1649
7 Drivers of ecosystem vulnerability to Corbicula invasions in southeastern North America Ferreira-Rodríguez, Noé

24 6 p. 1677-1688
8 Environmental stress determines the colonization and impact of an endophytic fungus on invasive knotweed Garnica, Sigisfredo

24 6 p. 1785-1795
9 Impact of invasive marmosets (Primates, Callitrichidae) on bird acoustic diversity in a large neotropical urban forest Zaluar, Marina T.

24 6 p. 1725-1737
10 Increased geographical distribution and richness of non-native freshwater fish species in Argentina: evidence from a literature review Espínola, Luis Alberto

24 6 p. 1611-1634
11 Inferring the trophic attributes and consequences of co-occurring lake invaders using an allometric niche model Vagnon, Chloé

24 6 p. 1661-1676
12 Introduced predators and nest competitors shape distribution and breeding performance of seabirds: feral pigeons as a new threat Rodríguez, Beneharo

24 6 p. 1561-1573
13 Invasive buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) increases water stress and reduces success of native perennial seedlings in southeastern Arizona Sommers, Pacifica

24 6 p. 1809-1826
14 Measuring the effective dispersal of an emerging coastal weed, Euphorbia paralias (sea spurge), to help inform its eradication Thomson, Fiona J.

24 6 p. 1553-1559
15 Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Teleostei: Cichlidae): a threat to native fishes of Lake Malawi? Stauffer, Jay R.

24 6 p. 1585-1597
16 Perennial pasture grass invasion changes fire behaviour and recruitment potential of a native forb in a temperate Australian grassland Walker, Zac C.

24 6 p. 1755-1765
17 Senecio pseudoarnica Less. (Asteraceae): a new non-native species invading coastal areas in arctic and subarctic Europe Wasowicz, Pawel

24 6 p. 1575-1583
18 Spatially explicit multi-objective mathematical model for invasive species management Weerasena, Lakmali

24 6 p. 1839-1862
19 The native and exotic prey community of two invasive paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand as determined by DNA barcoding Howse, Matthew W. F.

24 6 p. 1797-1808
20 The role of direct chemical inhibition in the displacement of a native herbivore by an invasive congener Drumheller, Danielle K.

24 6 p. 1739-1753
21 The role of weed seed contamination in grain commodities as propagule pressure Ikeda, Mafumi

24 6 p. 1707-1723
22 Using environmental niche models to elucidate drivers of the American bullfrog invasion in California Nelson, Nicolette

24 6 p. 1767-1783
23 Virus invasions of the New Zealand flora Guy, P. L.

24 6 p. 1599-1609
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland