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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anthropogenically physically changed habitats enable an easier propagation of invasive bivalve in neotropical headwater streams Linares, Marden Seabra

24 12 p. 3855-3863
2 A science-based policy for managing free-roaming cats Lepczyk, Christopher A.

24 12 p. 3693-3701
3 Assessing the level of compliance with alien plant regulations in a large African protected area Keet, Jan-Hendrik

24 12 p. 3831-3844
4 Assessment of the tolerance range of salinity for invasive waterweed Elodea canadensis Michaux by parameters of water-salt homeostasis Martemyanov, Vladimir I.

24 12 p. 3845-3853
5 Comparing common fountain grass removal techniques: cost efficacy and response of native plant community Rowe, Helen I.

24 12 p. 3817-3830
6 Correction to: Gunnera tinctoria invasions increase, not decrease, earthworm abundance and diversity Mantoani, Maurício Cruz

24 12 p. 3735
7 Effects of intraspecific density and plant size on garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) sinigrin concentration Harris, Mercedes

24 12 p. 3785-3797
8 Establishment of invasive Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Mississippi River basin: identifying sources and year classes contributing to recruitment Whitledge, Gregory W.

24 12 p. 3885-3904
9 Gunnera tinctoria invasions increase, not decrease, earthworm abundance and diversity Mantoani, Maurício Cruz

24 12 p. 3721-3734
10 Herbivory and functional traits suggest that enemy release is not an important mechanism driving invasion success of brown seaweeds Mabey, Abigail L.

24 12 p. 3919-3934
11 Impact of invasive little fire ants Wasmannia auropunctata on rainforest soil fauna: implications for conservation of the endangered flightless kagu of New Caledonia Jourdan, Hervé

24 12 p. 3675-3680
12 Invasion and spatial distribution of wild pigs (Sus scrofa L.) in Brazil Hegel, C. G. Z.

24 12 p. 3681-3692
13 Invasion patterns and niche comparison of the butterfly Cacyreus marshalli among native and non-native range Martelli, Francesca

24 12 p. 3935-3952
14 Last snail standing? superior thermal resilience of an alien tropical intertidal gastropod over natives in an ocean-warming hotspot Rilov, Gil

24 12 p. 3703-3719
15 Panmixia and active colonisation of the invasive palm Trachycarpus fortunei (Arecaceae) in Southern Switzerland and Northern Italy as inferred by microsatellites and SNP markers Jousson, Antoine

24 12 p. 3737-3756
16 Plants in eastern Canada poised to become invasive problems – risks in light of climate change Simberloff, Daniel

24 12 p. 3953-3955
17 Rapid range expansion of an invasive flatworm, Kontikia andersoni, on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island Houghton, Melissa

24 12 p. 3769-3783
18 Recent massive invasions of the circumboreal sea anemone Metridium senile in North and South Patagonia Häussermann, Vreni

24 12 p. 3665-3674
19 Should tourists care more about invasive species? International and domestic visitors’ perceptions of invasive plants and their control in New Zealand Lovelock, Brent

24 12 p. 3905-3918
20 Size-dependent analyses provide insights into the reproductive allocation and plasticity of invasive and native Typha Jameson, Emily E.

24 12 p. 3799-3815
21 Temperature and interspecific competition alter the impacts of two invasive crayfish species on a key ecosystem process Carvalho, Francisco

24 12 p. 3757-3768
22 The fast invasion of Europe by the box tree moth: an additional example coupling multiple introduction events, bridgehead effects and admixture events Bras, Audrey

24 12 p. 3865-3883
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland