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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A global impact assessment of Acacia species introduced to South Africa Jansen, Cally

24 1 p. 175-187
2 A review of the impacts of biological invasions in South Africa van Wilgen, Brian W.

24 1 p. 27-50
3 Attack dynamics and impacts of emerald ash borer on wild white fringetree populations Peterson, Donnie L.

24 1 p. 9-15
4 Competitive trait hierarchies of native communities and invasive propagule pressure consistently predict invasion success during grassland establishment Rojas-Botero, Sandra

24 1 p. 107-122
5 Correction to: Length of cultivation determines native and non-native weed richness in crop fields worldwide Ikegami, Makihiko

24 1 p. 315
6 Correction to: Tracing the colonization process of non-native gobies into a large river: the relevance of different dispersal modes Nogueira Tavares, C.

24 1 p. 317-318
7 Discovering the Pandora’s box: the invasion of alien flatworms in Italy Mori, Emiliano

24 1 p. 205-216
8 Distribution and environmental associations of invasive freshwater Pomacea snails in Peninsular Malaysia Hah, Huai-En

24 1 p. 189-204
9 First record of a synergistic interaction between invasive salmonids in South America Figueroa-Muñoz, Guillermo

24 1 p. 1-8
10 Interspecific pollen transport between non-native fennel and an island endemic buckwheat: assessment of the magnet effect Etter, K. J.

24 1 p. 139-155
11 Introduced populations of the garden lupine are adapted to local generalist snails but have lost alkaloid diversity Kalske, Aino

24 1 p. 51-65
12 Invasion of the dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans 1925 in South America: record of the pattern of expansion and persistence in tropical reservoirs in Northeastern Brazil Severiano, Juliana dos Santos

24 1 p. 217-233
13 Juvenile salmon presence effects on the diet of native Puye Galaxias maculatus in lakes and estuaries of Patagonian fjords Pérez, Stefanía

24 1 p. 81-92
14 Low biotic resistance to cheatgrass invasion in Patagonia: evidence from competition experiments Franzese, J.

24 1 p. 235-246
15 Non-linear physiological responses to climate change: the case of Ceratitis capitata distribution and abundance in Europe Gilioli, Gianni

24 1 p. 261-279
16 Parasite DNA detection in water samples enhances crayfish plague monitoring in asymptomatic invasive populations Sieber, Natalie

24 1 p. 281-297
17 Rapid spatial expansion and population increase of invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.) observed on natural habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico Campbell, Matthew D.

24 1 p. 93-105
18 Raptor roosts as invasion archives: insights from the first black rat mitochondrial genome sequenced from the Caribbean Massini Espino, Marlys

24 1 p. 17-25
19 Risks of giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) range increase in North America Cuddington, K.

24 1 p. 299-314
20 Socio-environmental drivers of establishment of Lymantria dispar, a nonnative forest pest, in the United States Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca

24 1 p. 157-173
21 Sugar is an ant’s best friend? Testing food web theory predictions about trophic position and abundance in an invasive ant (Nylanderia fulva) Kjeldgaard, MacKenzie K.

24 1 p. 67-80
22 Unrestricted gene flow between two subspecies of translocated brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in Aotearoa New Zealand Pattabiraman, Nimeshika

24 1 p. 247-260
23 Using citizen science for early detection of tree pests and diseases: perceptions of professional and public participants Gupta, Nidhi

24 1 p. 123-138
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland