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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An exotic magnet plant alters pollinator abundance and behavior: a field test with a native mistletoe Cuadra-Valdés, Javier

23 8 p. 2515-2525
2 Clonal diversity amongst island populations of alien, invasive Lemna minuta kunth Paolacci, Simona

23 8 p. 2649-2660
3 Contrasting responses of native ant communities to invasion by an ant invader, Linepithema humile Devenish, Adam J. M.

23 8 p. 2553-2571
4 Correction to: Transmission of a novel predatory behaviour is not restricted to kin Tan, Laura X. L.

23 8 p. 2485-2487
5 Dispersal history of a globally introduced carnivore, the small Indian mongoose Urva auropunctata, with an emphasis on the Caribbean region Louppe, Vivien

23 8 p. 2573-2590
6 Hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum × Myriophyllum sibiricum) exhibits traits associated with greater invasiveness than its introduced and native parental taxa Glisson, Wesley J.

23 8 p. 2417-2433
7 Illegal and unmanaged aquaculture, unregulated fisheries and extreme climatic events combine to trigger invasions in a global biodiversity hotspot Raj, Smrithy

23 8 p. 2373-2380
8 Impacts of invasive annual grasses and their litter vary by native functional strategy LaForgia, Marina L.

23 8 p. 2621-2633
9 Increased adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the introduced range in alien weeds under drought and flooding Bufford, Jennifer L.

23 8 p. 2675-2688
10 Intensity of grass invasion negatively correlated with population density and age structure of an endangered dune plant across its range Jones, Scott F.

23 8 p. 2451-2471
11 Introduced mangroves in the Society Islands, French Polynesia (South Pacific): invasive species or novel ecosystem? Meyer, Jean-Yves

23 8 p. 2527-2539
12 Invader to invader facilitation: ice plant mats prompt increased densities and grazing impacts of white garden snails in a Pampean coastal dune system Gutiérrez, Jorge L.

23 8 p. 2381-2387
13 Lake morphometry determines Dreissena invasion dynamics Karatayev, Alexander Y.

23 8 p. 2489-2514
14 Long-term changes in population genetic features of a rapidly expanding marine invader: implication for invasion success Giallongo, Giovanni

23 8 p. 2541-2552
15 Native range climate is insufficient to predict anuran invasive potential Sales, Lilian P.

23 8 p. 2635-2647
16 Non-native earthworms alter the assembly of a meadow plant community Fleri, Jesse R.

23 8 p. 2407-2415
17 Origin of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) invasion in the greater Caribbean Region and Fiji De Jesús Villanueva, Christina N.

23 8 p. 2591-2610
18 Outreach increases detections of an invasive species in a crowdsourced monitoring program Koen, Erin L.

23 8 p. 2611-2620
19 Predation by feral cats threatens great albatrosses Barbraud, Christophe

23 8 p. 2389-2405
20 Quantifying the potential impact of alien plants of Iran using the Generic Impact Scoring System (GISS) and Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) Sohrabi, Sima

23 8 p. 2435-2449
21 Rapid continental spread of a salt-tolerant plant along the European road network Fekete, R.

23 8 p. 2661-2674
22 Transmission of a novel predatory behaviour is not restricted to kin Tan, Laura X. L.

23 8 p. 2473-2484
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland