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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adult cold tolerance and potential North American distribution of Myllocerus undecimpustulatus undatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Neal, Anita S.

23 12 p. 3719-3731
2 Anthropogenic factors overrule local abiotic variables in determining non-native plant invasions in mountains Fuentes-Lillo, Eduardo

23 12 p. 3671-3686
3 Biological invasion risk assessment of Tuta absoluta: mechanistic versus correlative methods Ponti, Luigi

23 12 p. 3809-3829
4 Combining citizen science and recreational hunters to monitor exotic ungulates and native wildlife in a protected area of northeastern Argentina Nicosia, Gabriela

23 12 p. 3687-3702
5 Disentangling the genetic origin of Heracleum persicum (Apiaceae) in Europe: multiple introductions from multiple source populations Falahati-Anbaran, Mohsen

23 12 p. 3871-3890
6 Do alien predators pose a particular risk to duck nests in Northern Europe? Results from an artificial nest experiment Holopainen, Sari

23 12 p. 3795-3807
7 Exploring the impact of a non-native seed predator on the seed germination of its non-native host Horvat, Eva

23 12 p. 3703-3717
8 Forest community structure and composition following containment treatments for the fungal pathogen oak wilt Abella, Scott R.

23 12 p. 3733-3747
9 Fresh start after rough rides: understanding patterns of genetic differentiation upon human-mediated translocations Heckwolf, Melanie Jany

23 12 p. 3625-3639
10 Genetic diversity and relatedness in aquaculture and marina populations of the invasive tunicate Didemnum vexillum in the British Isles Prentice, M. B.

23 12 p. 3613-3624
11 Has the introduction of two subspecies generated dispersal barriers among invasive possums in New Zealand? Campbell, Catriona D.

23 12 p. 3831-3845
12 Identifying management guidelines to control the invasive House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) within natural protected areas through the estimation of local colonization and extinction probabilities Ramírez-Cruz, Gonzalo A.

23 12 p. 3767-3776
13 Invading parasites: spillover of an alien nematode reduces survival in a native species Romeo, Claudia

23 12 p. 3847-3857
14 Invasion by hawkweeds French, Kris

23 12 p. 3641-3652
15 Native anurans threatened by the alien tree Ligustrum lucidum in a seasonal subtropical forest Segura, E. M.

23 12 p. 3859-3869
16 Optimizing the location of watercraft inspection stations to slow the spread of aquatic invasive species Haight, Robert G.

23 12 p. 3907-3919
17 Predicting non-native insect impact: focusing on the trees to see the forest Schulz, Ashley N.

23 12 p. 3921-3936
18 Raised by aliens: constant exposure to an invasive predator triggers morphological but not behavioural plasticity in a threatened species tadpoles Melotto, Andrea

23 12 p. 3777-3793
19 Revealing novel interactions between oak and Tubakia species: evidence of the efficacy of the sentinel arboreta strategy Morales-Rodríguez, Carmen

23 12 p. 3749-3765
20 Simulating an invasion: unsealed water storage (rainwater tanks) and urban block design facilitate the spread of the dengue fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, in Brisbane, Australia Trewin, Brendan J.

23 12 p. 3891-3906
21 The dilemma of Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus): a valued pasture grass and a highly invasive species Rhodes, Aaron C.

23 12 p. 3653-3669
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland