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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Beavers cut, but do not prefer, an invasive shrub, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) Deardorff, Janet L.

23 1 p. 193-204
2 Combining herbarium databases and genetic methods to evaluate the invasion of a popular horticultural species, baby’s breath (Gypsophila paniculata), in the United States Lamar, Sarah K.

23 1 p. 37-52
3 Diet overlap of common and at-risk riverine benthic fishes before and after Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invasion Firth, B. L.

23 1 p. 221-234
4 Do day and night warming exert different effects on growth and competitive interaction between invasive and native plants? Su, Jin-Quan

23 1 p. 157-166
5 Do invasive jumping worms impact sugar maple (Acer saccharum) water-use dynamics in a Central Hardwoods forest? O’Keefe, Kimberly

23 1 p. 129-141
6 Functional segregation of resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants across Mediterranean biome communities Galán Díaz, Javier

23 1 p. 253-266
7 Gimme Shelter: differential utilisation and propagule creation of invasive macrophytes by native caddisfly larvae Crane, Kate

23 1 p. 95-109
8 Highly competitive native aquatic species could suppress the growth of invasive aquatic species with similar traits Zhang, Xiaoliang

23 1 p. 267-280
9 Impacts of invasive trees on alpha and beta diversity of temperate forest understories Dyderski, Marcin K.

23 1 p. 235-252
10 Invasive legume affects species and functional composition of mountain meadow plant communities Hansen, Wiebke

23 1 p. 281-296
11 Multiple seed dispersal modes of an invasive plant species on coastal dunes Gallego-Fernández, Juan B.

23 1 p. 111-127
12 Native and exotic plant species respond differently to ecosystem characteristics at both local and landscape scales Lázaro-Lobo, Adrián

23 1 p. 143-156
13 Niche opportunity created by land cover change is driving the European hare invasion in the Neotropics Pasqualotto, Nielson

23 1 p. 7-24
14 Nonnative invasive species are overlooked in biological integrity assessments Ruaro, Renata

23 1 p. 83-94
15 Non-native populations and global invasion potential of the Indian bullfrog Hoplobatrachus tigerinus: a synthesis for risk-analysis Mohanty, Nitya Prakash

23 1 p. 69-81
16 Oh the places they’ll go: improving species distribution modelling for invasive forest pests in an uncertain world Srivastava, Vivek

23 1 p. 297-349
17 Reciprocal interactions between a non-native shrub and the dominant native trees of a high mountain woodland: who benefits? Tapella, M. Paz

23 1 p. 53-67
18 Root fungal communities associated with better performance of an invasive spring ephemeral Paolucci, Allison

23 1 p. 181-192
19 Testing the prey naiveté hypothesis: Can native prey (Astyanax ruberrimus) recognize an introduced top predator, Cichla monoculus? Sharpe, D. M. T.

23 1 p. 205-219
20 The influence of riparian invasion by the terrestrial shrub Lonicera maackii on aquatic macroinvertebrates in temperate forest headwater streams Little, Michelle N.

23 1 p. 25-35
21 Unexpected sensitivity of the highly invasive spider Mermessus trilobatus to soil disturbance in grasslands Narimanov, Nijat

23 1 p. 1-6
22 When a freshwater invader meets the estuary: the peacock bass and fish assemblages in the São João River, Brazil Catelani, Paula Araujo

23 1 p. 167-179
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland