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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An invasive species spread by threatened diurnal lemurs impacts rainforest structure in Madagascar DeSisto, Camille M. M.

22 9 p. 2845-2858
2 A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions Robertson, Peter A.

22 9 p. 2633-2645
3 Breeding consequences for a songbird nesting in Argentine ant’ invaded land Alvarez-Blanco, Paloma

22 9 p. 2883-2898
4 Developing effective management solutions for controlling stinking passionflower (Passiflora foetida) and promoting the recovery of native biodiversity in Northern Australia Jucker, Tommaso

22 9 p. 2737-2748
5 Do interactions between eutrophication and CO2 enrichment increase the potential of elodeid invasion in tropical lakes? Mormul, Roger Paulo

22 9 p. 2787-2795
6 Environmental stress under climate change reduces plant performance, yet increases allelopathic potential of an invasive shrub Medina-Villar, Silvia

22 9 p. 2859-2881
7 Exploring the desiccation tolerance of the invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Müller 1774) at different temperatures Guareschi, Simone

22 9 p. 2813-2824
8 Forest disturbances promote invasion of alien herbaceous plants: a comparison of abundance and plant traits between alien and native species in thinned and unthinned stands Oshima, Katsumi

22 9 p. 2749-2762
9 Functional traits indicate faster resource acquisition for alien herbs than native shrubs in an urban Mediterranean shrubland Díaz de León Guerrero, Samantha D.

22 9 p. 2699-2712
10 Historical museum collections help detect parasite species jumps after tilapia introductions in the Congo Basin Jorissen, M. W. P.

22 9 p. 2825-2844
11 International tracking of the COVID-19 invasion: an amazing example of a globalized scientific coordination effort Bertelsmeier, Cleo

22 9 p. 2647-2649
12 Leveraging public harvest to reduce invasive hybridization in Yellowstone National Park: field identification and harvest of cutthroat × rainbow trout hybrids Heim, Kurt C.

22 9 p. 2685-2698
13 Life-history traits moderate the susceptibility of native mammals to an invasive predator Soto-Shoender, Jose R.

22 9 p. 2671-2684
14 Modeling the interactive effects of nutrient loads, meteorology, and invasive mussels on suitable habitat for Bighead and Silver Carp in Lake Michigan Alsip, Peter J.

22 9 p. 2763-2785
15 Northward establishment of the mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis limited by changing climate Lynch, S. A.

22 9 p. 2725-2736
16 Optimizing the impacts of an invasive species on the threatened endemic biota of a remote RAMSAR site: Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea Thresher, Ronald E.

22 9 p. 2661-2670
17 Starting the stowaway pathway: the role of dispersal behavior in the invasion success of low-mobile marine species Ros, M.

22 9 p. 2797-2812
18 Substrate mediated predator–prey interactions between invasive crayfish and indigenous and non-native amphipods Beatty, C.

22 9 p. 2713-2724
19 Vacuolar myelinopathy: waterbird risk on a southeastern impoundment co-infested with Hydrilla verticillata and Aetokthonos hydrillicola Haram, Brigette N.

22 9 p. 2651-2660
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland