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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alien species and the EU Water Framework Directive: a comparative assessment of European approaches Boon, Philip J.

22 4 p. 1497-1512
2 Assessment of rodenticide resistance, eradication units, and pathogen prevalence in black rat populations from a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot (Pontine Archipelago) Fratini, Sara

22 4 p. 1379-1395
3 A subtle threat: behavioral and phenotypic consequences of invasive mosquitofish on a native paedomorphic newt Toli, Elisavet A.

22 4 p. 1299-1308
4 Colonization pressure: a second null model for invasion biology Blackburn, Tim M.

22 4 p. 1221-1233
5 Competition between the invasive Impatiens glandulifera and UK native species: the role of soil conditioning and pre-existing resident communities Power, Georgia

22 4 p. 1527-1537
6 Differential effects of American pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) invasion on ground-dwelling forest arthropods in southwest Germany Schirmel, Jens

22 4 p. 1289-1298
7 Drivers of compositional dissimilarity for native and alien birds: the relative roles of human activity and environmental suitability Ascensão, Fernando

22 4 p. 1447-1460
8 Future range dynamics of the red alga Capreolia implexa in native and invaded regions: contrasting predictions from species distribution models versus physiological knowledge Laeseke, Philipp

22 4 p. 1339-1352
9 Habitat change and alteration of plant and invertebrate communities in waterbodies dominated by the invasive alien macrophyte Lemna minuta Kunth Ceschin, S.

22 4 p. 1325-1337
10 Identifying risk factors for persistent versus casual establishment to prioritize rapid response to non-indigenous aquarium fish Della Venezia, Lidia

22 4 p. 1397-1410
11 Impacts of invasive earthworms and deer on native ferns in forests of northeastern North America Bowe, Audrey

22 4 p. 1431-1445
12 Integrating an individual-based model with approximate Bayesian computation to predict the invasion of a freshwater fish provides insights into dispersal and range expansion dynamics Dominguez Almela, Victoria

22 4 p. 1461-1480
13 Invasion of Trichoferus campestris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) into the United States characterized by high levels of genetic diversity and recurrent introductions Wu, Yunke

22 4 p. 1309-1323
14 Risks posed by rat reproduction and diet to eradications on tropical islands Samaniego, Araceli

22 4 p. 1365-1378
15 Scenario analysis on the use of rodenticides and sex-biasing gene drives for the removal of invasive house mice on islands Serr, Megan E.

22 4 p. 1235-1248
16 Sex-dependent personality in two invasive species of mosquitofish Michelangeli, Marcus

22 4 p. 1353-1364
17 Spill-back events followed by self-sustainment explain the fast colonization of a newly built marina by a notorious invasive seaweed Salamon, Mathilde

22 4 p. 1411-1429
18 Systematic prey preference by introduced mice exhausts the ecosystem on Antipodes Island Russell, James C.

22 4 p. 1265-1278
19 The alien moss Orthodontium lineare Schwägr. in Poland (East-Central Europe): a summary of nearly 40 years of invasion Żarnowiec, Jan

22 4 p. 1249-1263
20 The ‘known unknowns’ of invasive species impact measurement Crystal-Ornelas, Robert

22 4 p. 1513-1525
21 Trematode prevalence and an invasive freshwater snail: fewer infections and parasites likely contribute to the success of an invasive snail Larson, Michele D.

22 4 p. 1279-1287
22 Walleye growth declines following zebra mussel and Bythotrephes invasion Hansen, Gretchen J. A.

22 4 p. 1481-1495
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland