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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Availability of soil base cations and micronutrients along soil profile after 13-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland Niu, Guoxiang

152 2-3 p. 223-236
2 Beyond total carbon: conversion of amazon forest to pasture alters indicators of soil C cycling Durrer, Ademir

152 2-3 p. 179-194
3 Contrasting responses of DOM leachates to photodegradation observed in plant species collected along an estuarine salinity gradient Schafer, Tracey

152 2-3 p. 291-307
4 Controls on soil microbial carbon use efficiency over long-term ecosystem development Oliver, Erin E.

152 2-3 p. 309-325
5 How much carbon can be added to soil by sorption? Abramoff, Rose Z.

152 2-3 p. 127-142
6 Influences of the landscape pattern on riverine nitrogen exports derived from legacy sources in subtropical agricultural catchments Meng, Cen

152 2-3 p. 161-177
7 Long-term litter type treatments alter soil carbon composition but not microbial carbon utilization in a mixed pine-oak forest Guo, Xiaowei

152 2-3 p. 327-343
8 Measuring nitrogen fixation by the acetylene reduction assay (ARA): is 3 the magic ratio? Soper, Fiona M.

152 2-3 p. 345-351
9 Retention and partitioning of 15N-labeled deposited N in a tropical plantation forest Gurmesa, Geshere Abdisa

152 2-3 p. 237-251
10 Streamflow variability controls N and P export and speciation from Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest watersheds Fellman, Jason B.

152 2-3 p. 253-270
11 The fate of calcium in temperate forest soils: a Ca K-edge XANES study Prietzel, Jörg

152 2-3 p. 195-222
12 The importance of nutrients for microbial priming in a bog rhizosphere Waldo, Nicholas B.

152 2-3 p. 271-290
13 The influence of tillage and fertilizer on the flux and source of nitrous oxide with reference to atmospheric variation using laser spectroscopy Ostrom, Peggy H.

152 2-3 p. 143-159
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland