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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ab initio modeling and ligand docking of quercetin and the MC-LR transporter protein Oatp1b2/OATP1B3 Shrinet, Kriti

1 2 p.
2 Blockage of HSP90 and IDO1 pathway by α-MSH modified nanoelicitor to dual-facilitate mild photothermal therapy Fu, Shunli

1 2 p.
3 Controlled release of bilayer tablet comprising vitamin B6 rapid-release layer and melatonin sustained-release layer Wang, Yan

1 2 p.
4 Corrigendum to “Blockage of HSP90 and IDO1 pathway by α-MSH modified nanoelicitor to dual-facilitate mild photothermal therapy” [Pharmaceut. Sci. Res. 1 (2023) 100009] Fu, Shunli

1 2 p.
5 Flurbiprofen cataplasms: Development and validation of in-vitro dissolution methods and evaluation of multimedia dissolution profiles Nathi, Rathnakar

1 2 p.
6 Investigation of wound healing and anti-inflammatory activity of Senna occidentalis leaf extract, and in silico screening for both activities Shyeed, Md.Abu

1 2 p.
7 Nanoparticle-enhanced mesalazine therapy for inflammatory bowel disease Sutaria, Rajvanshi

1 2 p.
8 Potential therapeutic effect of Salvia coccinea leaf extract in chronic disorders: Myocardial infarction, cataract, and arthritis in rat Sundaramoorthy, Arun

1 2 p.
9 Structure, functions, and recent advances in the development of SIRT2 inhibitors Xue, Junxin

1 2 p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland