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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new editor for a unique globally focused journal Abrams, Steven A.

14 5 p. 947
2 Bidirectionality between Cardiometabolic Diseases and COVID-19: Role of Humoral Immunity Yu, Elaine A.

14 5 p. 1145-1158
3 Cell Survival, Death, and Proliferation in Senescent and Cancer Cells: the Role of (Poly)phenols Sorrenti, Vincenzo

14 5 p. 1111-1130
4 Cheese consumption and multiple health outcomes: an umbrella review and updated meta-analysis of prospective studies Zhang, Mingjie

14 5 p. 1170-1186
5 Conflicts of Interest for Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Members: Neither a New Nor Unexplored Issue Mialon, Mélissa

14 5 p. 1246-1247
6 Contents
14 5 p. ii-iii
7 Corrigendum to ‘Effect of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials’ [Advances in Nutrition 14 (2023) 629–636] Huang, Linlin

14 5 p. 1250-1251
8 Editorial board/publication information
14 5 p. i
9 Effects of Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction Supplementation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Phang, Sonia C.W.

14 5 p. 1159-1169
10 Endogenous Ghrelin Levels and Perception of Hunger: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Anderson, Kara C.

14 5 p. 1226-1236
11 Global Coverage of Mandatory Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Rohner, Fabian

14 5 p. 1197-1210
12 Iron Brittenham, Gary M.

14 5 p. 1241-1243
13 Outside Front Cover
14 5 p. OFC
14 Perspective: A Conceptual Framework for Adaptive Personalized Nutrition Advice Systems (APNASs) Renner, Britta

14 5 p. 983-994
15 Perspective: Call for Re-evaluation of the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Magnesium Supplementation in Adults Costello, Rebecca

14 5 p. 973-982
16 Perspective: Challenges and Future Directions in Clinical Research with Nuts and Berries Zuelch, Michelle L.

14 5 p. 1005-1028
17 Perspective: Council for Responsible Nutrition Science in Session. Optimizing Health with Nutrition—Opportunities, Gaps, and the Future Ho, Emily

14 5 p. 948-958
18 Perspective: Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Dietitians Carrillo-Álvarez, Elena

14 5 p. 995-1004
19 Perspective: The Benefits of Including Flavored Milk in Healthy Dietary Patterns Ricklefs-Johnson, Kristin

14 5 p. 959-972
20 Potassium Frassetto, Lynda A.

14 5 p. 1237-1240
21 Reply to M Mialon et al. Kraak, Vivica I.

14 5 p. 1248-1249
22 Serine Metabolic Reprogramming in Tumorigenesis, Tumor Immunity, and Clinical Treatment Shunxi, Wang

14 5 p. 1050-1066
23 β-Sitosterol as a Promising Anticancer Agent for Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy: Mechanisms of Action and Future Prospects Wang, Haoyu

14 5 p. 1085-1110
24 Synthesis and Functions of Resistant Starch Wang, Zhanggui

14 5 p. 1131-1144
25 The Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Autophagic Response to Caloric Restriction and Fasting Shabkhizan, Roya

14 5 p. 1211-1225
26 The Effects of Dairy Product Supplementation on Bone Health Indices in Children Aged 3 to 18 Years: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Hidayat, Khemayanto

14 5 p. 1187-1196
27 The Impact of Providing Material Benefits to Improve Access to Food on Clinical Parameters, Dietary Intake, and Household Food Insecurity in People with Diabetes: A Systematic Review with Narrative Synthesis JD Steer, Kieran

14 5 p. 1067-1084
28 Tree Nut and Peanut Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Houston, Lauren

14 5 p. 1029-1049
29 Ultraprocessed Food is Not a Replacement for Whole Food Kelly, Owen J.

14 5 p. 1244-1245
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland