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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Amino Acid Regulation of Albumin Synthesis 1 2 Rothschild, M.A.

98 4 p. 395-403
2 Artificial Feeding of Infant Rats by Continuous Gastric Infusion 1 Messer, Michael

98 4 p. 404-410
3 A Simplified Hemolysis Test for Vitamin E Deficiency 1 Draper, H.H.

98 4 p. 390-394
4 Back Matter
98 4 p.
5 Biochemical and Physiological Changes in the Rat during Riboflavin Deprivation and Supplementation 1 2 Kim, Yoon Soo

98 4 p. 467-476
6 Calcium and Phosphorus Requirements for Maximal Growth and Mineralization of the Rat Bernhart, F.W.

98 4 p. 443-448
7 Editorial Board
98 4 p.
8 Effect of Vitamin B6 Deficiency on Leucine Transaminase Activity in Chick Tissue 1 2 Shiflett, J.M.

98 4 p. 420-426
9 Effects of High Protein Diets with Normal and Low Energy Intake on Wound Healing, Hair Growth, Hair and Serum Zinc, and Serum Alkaline Phosphatase in Dairy Heifers 1 2 Miller, W.J.

98 4 p. 411-419
10 Evidence for a Nonabsorptive Antihypercholesterolemic Action of Phytosterols in the Chicken 1 Konlande, James E.

98 4 p. 435-442
11 Excess Dietary Zinc for the Maternal Rat, and Zinc, Iron, Copper, Calcium, and Magnesium Content and Enzyme Activity in Maternal and Fetal Tissues 1 2 Cox, Dennis H.

98 4 p. 459-466
12 Invitation for Nominations for 1970 American Institute of Nutrition Awards
98 4 p. 487-488
13 Invitation for Nominations for 1970 American Institute of Nutrition Fellows
98 4 p. 489
14 Invitation for Nominations for Honorary Membership in the American Institute of Nutrition
98 4 p. 490
15 Role of calcium in the nutritional etiology of a metabolic disorder in ruminants fed a high grain ration
98 4 p. 491
16 Some Selenium Responses in the Rat not Related to Vitamin E 1 2 3 McCoy, Kim E.M.

98 4 p. 383-389
17 Studies on Blood Glucose and Hepatic Glycogen in Rats Force-fed a Threonine-devoid Diet 1 Sidransky, H.

98 4 p. 477-485
18 Table of Contents
98 4 p.
19 Tryptophan Metabolism of Rats Fed a Threonine-free Amino Acid Diet 1 2 Murata, Kiku

98 4 p. 427-434
20 Zinc Deficiency in the Maternal Rat during Gestation, and Zinc, Iron, Copper, and Calcium Content and Enzyme Activity in Maternal and Fetal Tissues 1 2 Cox, Dennis H.

98 4 p. 449-458
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland