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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Behavioral Changes in Rats and Guinea Pigs Induced by the Administration of Indole 3-Acetic Acid and 6-Aminonicotinamide Sullivan, William T.

65 2 p. 199-209
2 Cytopathologic Changes in Liver Cord Cells of Arginine-Deficient Chicks Jungherr, Erwin L.

65 2 p. 281-292
3 Effects of Semistarvation on the Distribution of Erythrocytes and Plasma in Organs and Tissues of the Rat Lasher, Earl P.

65 2 p. 317-326
4 Effects of the Esterification of Supplemental Cholesterol and Sitosterol in the Diet 1 Best, Maurice M.

65 2 p. 169-181
5 Effects of the Prevention of Coprophagy in the Rat Barnes, Richard H.

65 2 p. 251-258
6 Evaluation of Pumpkin Seed Meal as a Source of Protein for Swine using a Depletion-Repletion Technique Zucker, H.

65 2 p. 327-334
7 Evidence for an Unidentified Factor Necessary for Maximum Egg Weight in Chickens Jensen, Leo S.

65 2 p. 219-233
8 Kidney Changes in Vitamin E-Deficient Rats Moore, T.

65 2 p. 183-198
9 Phosphate Availability Studies with the Ash of Unidentified Growth Factor Supplements Edwards Jr., H.M.

65 2 p. 305-316
10 Reproduction and Lactation Studies with Bitches Fed Semipurified Diets Ontko, Joseph A.

65 2 p. 211-218
11 Studies of the Effects of Dietary Sodium Fluoride on Dairy Cows Suttie, John W.

65 2 p. 293-304
12 Studies on Zinc Deficiency in the Chick Morrison, A.B.

65 2 p. 267-280
13 The Influence of Varied Cellulose and Nitrogen Levels upon Ration Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance of Lambs Fed Semipurified Rations Ellis, W.C.

65 2 p. 235-250
14 The Retention of Fluoride by the Skeleton, Liver, Heart and Kidney as a Function of Dietary Fat Intake in the Rat Buttner, Wolfgang

65 2 p. 259-266
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland