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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Comparative Reproduction and Lactation of Rats Fed Butter or Vegetable Fat Included in a Basal Ration Free of Animal Products Dryden, Leslie P.

61 2 p. 185-194
2 Comparison of the Metabolic Energy Contributions of Foods by Growth under Conditions of Energy Restriction Rice, E.E.

61 2 p. 253-266
3 Editorial Board
61 2 p.
4 Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Amino Acids in Whole Wheat Gunthardt, Hans

61 2 p. 167-176
5 Gravimetric Detection of Resorption of Embryos in Rats on Lathyrus Odoratus Diet Wirtschafter, Zolton T.

61 2 p. 177-183
6 Growth Response and Liver Fat Deposition in Rats Fed Bread Mixtures with Varying Levels of Non-Fat Milk Solids and Lysine Jahnke, Jane K.

61 2 p. 307-316
7 Investigations on the Metabolism of Fluoride Gardner, Dwight E.

61 2 p. 207-217
8 Nutritional Studies on Rats on Diets Containing High Levels of Partial Ester Emulsifiers Oser, Bernard L.

61 2 p. 235-252
9 Pantothenic Acid Deficiency in the Growing Calf Sheppard, A.J.

61 2 p. 195-205
10 Plasma Lipid and Organ Changes Associated with the Feeding of Animal Fat to Laying Chickens Weiss, Harold S.

61 2 p. 267-280
11 Table of Contents
61 2 p.
12 The Effect of a Combined Deficiency of Thiamine and of Pantothenic Acid on the Nervous System of the Rat North, J.D.K.

61 2 p. 219-234
13 The Effect of Powdered Milk on Dental Caries in the Rat Muhler, Joseph C.

61 2 p. 281-287
14 The Energy Value of Self-Selected Diets Consumed by Young College Women Davis, A. Nell

61 2 p. 289-295
15 The Protein Metabolism of Young College Women Consuming Self-Selected Diets Scoular, Florence I.

61 2 p. 297-306
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland