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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Procedure for Measuring the Digestibility of Pasture Forage under Grazing Conditions Reid, J.T.

46 2 p. 255-269
2 A Study of the Minimum Calcium Requirements of Adult Men 1 2 Hegsted, D.M.

46 2 p. 181-201
3 Editorial Board
46 2 p.
4 Effect of Single Amino Acid Excesses on Glucose Metabolism and Chick Growth, as Influenced by the Dietary Amino Acid Balance 1 Anderson, J.O.

46 2 p. 161-170
5 Nutritional Value of Plant Materials VII. Dietary Factors Affecting Pre-Weaning and Post-weaning Mortality of Rats 1 Schultze, M.O.

46 2 p. 171-179
6 Nutrition Resurvey in Bataan, Philippines, 1950 1 Burch, Helen B.

46 2 p. 239-254
7 Rancid Lard Effect on Rats Fed Complete and Riboflavin-Deficient Diets 1 Kaunitz, Hans

46 2 p. 151-159
8 Retention of Crystalline Vitamin B12 by Healthy Male Individuals Following Intramuscular Injection 1 Lang, Calvin

46 2 p. 215-221
9 Studies on the Effect of Atabrine on Vitamin a Metabolism Guggenheim, K.

46 2 p. 141-149
10 Studies on the Interrelationship between Methionine and Vitamin B6 1 DeBey, H.J.

46 2 p. 203-214
11 Table of Contents
46 2 p.
12 The Excretion of N1-Methylnicotinamide and Creatinine as Influenced by Vitamin B12 and Various Methyl Donors 1 Liener, I.E.

46 2 p. 223-237
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland