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1 |
Addition of Guar Gum and Soy Protein Increases the Efficacy of the American Heart Association (AHA) Step I Cholesterol-Lowering Diet without Reducing High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Non-Human Primates 1 2
Wilson, Thomas A. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1429-1433 |
artikel |
2 |
Adrenocortical Responsiveness to Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Is Enhanced in Chronically Food-Restricted Rats 1 2
Han, Eun-Soo |
128 |
9 |
p. 1415-1420 |
artikel |
3 |
An Evaluation of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Underwater Weighing to Estimate Body Composition by Means of Carcass Analysis in Piglets 1
Elowsson, Per |
128 |
9 |
p. 1543-1549 |
artikel |
4 |
A New Stable Isotope Method Enables the Simultaneous Measurement of Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis In Vivo in Mice 1 2
Perez, Jose F. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1562-1569 |
artikel |
5 |
Back Matter
128 |
9 |
p. |
artikel |
6 |
Caco-2 Cell Ferritin Formation Predicts Nonradiolabeled Food Iron Availability in an In Vitro Digestion/Caco-2 Cell Culture Model 1
Glahn, Raymond P. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1555-1561 |
artikel |
7 |
Cigarette Smoking Is Associated with Unhealthy Patterns of Nutrient Intake: a Meta-analysis 1 2
Dallongeville, Jean |
128 |
9 |
p. 1450-1457 |
artikel |
8 |
Development and Regulation of Calcium Metabolism in Healthy Girls 1 2 3
Bronner, Felix |
128 |
9 |
p. 1474-1480 |
artikel |
9 |
Dietary Amino Acids Are the Preferential Source of Hepatic Protein Synthesis in Piglets 1 2 3 4
Stoll, Barbara |
128 |
9 |
p. 1517-1524 |
artikel |
10 |
Dietary Flavonoids Reduce Lipid Peroxidation in Rats Fed Polyunsaturated or Monounsaturated Fat Diets 1 2
Frémont, Lucie |
128 |
9 |
p. 1495-1502 |
artikel |
11 |
Dietary Menhaden and Corn Oils and the Red Blood Cell Membrane Lipid Composition and Fluidity in Hyper- and Normocholesterolemic Miniature Swine 1
Berlin, Elliott |
128 |
9 |
p. 1421-1428 |
artikel |
12 |
Dietary Soluble Fiber Lowers Plasma LDL Cholesterol Concentrations by Altering Lipoprotein Metabolism in Female Guinea Pigs 1 2
Shen, Hong |
128 |
9 |
p. 1434-1441 |
artikel |
13 |
D-Tagatose, a Stereoisomer of D-Fructose, Increases Hydrogen Production in Humans without Affecting 24-Hour Energy Expenditure or Respiratory Exchange Ratio 1 2 3
Buemann, Benjamin |
128 |
9 |
p. 1481-1486 |
artikel |
14 |
Duodenal Infusions of Palmitic, Stearic or Oleic Acids Differently Affect Mammary Gland Metabolism of Fatty Acids in Lactating Dairy Cows 1
Enjalbert, Francis |
128 |
9 |
p. 1525-1532 |
artikel |
15 |
Evaluation of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for Body-Composition Assessment in Rats 1 2
Bertin, Eric |
128 |
9 |
p. 1550-1554 |
artikel |
16 |
Human Amino Acid Requirements: Counterpoint to Millward and the Importance of Tentative Revised Estimates
Young, Vernon R. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1570-1573 |
artikel |
17 |
Importance of Dietary γ-Linolenic Acid in Human Health and Nutrition
Fan, Yang-Yi |
128 |
9 |
p. 1411-1414 |
artikel |
18 |
α-Linolenic Acid Deficiency Modifies Distractibility but Not Anxiety and Locomotion in Rats during Aging 1
Belzung, Catherine |
128 |
9 |
p. 1537-1542 |
artikel |
19 |
Long-Term Fructose Consumption Accelerates Glycation and Several Age-Related Variables in Male Rats 1 2 3
Levi, Boaz |
128 |
9 |
p. 1442-1449 |
artikel |
20 |
Obesity in Latin American Women and Children 1 2 3
Martorell, Reynaldo |
128 |
9 |
p. 1464-1473 |
artikel |
21 |
Opposite Fluxes of Glutamine and Alanine in the Splanchnic Area Are an Efficient Mechanism for Nitrogen Sparing in Rats 1
Lopez, Hubert W. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1487-1494 |
artikel |
22 |
Plasma and Hepatic Cholesterol Levels and Fecal Neutral Sterol Excretion Are Altered in Hamsters Fed Straw Mushroom Diets 1
Cheung, Peter C.K. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1512-1516 |
artikel |
23 |
Rates of Lysine Catabolism Are Inversely Related to Rates of Protein Synthesis When Measured Concurrently in Adult Female Rats Induced to Grow at Different Rates 1 2 3
Gahl, Mark J. |
128 |
9 |
p. 1503-1511 |
artikel |
24 |
The Quantity of Dietary Protein Affects Brain Protein Synthesis Rate in Aged Rats 1 2
Hayase, Kazutoshi |
128 |
9 |
p. 1533-1536 |
artikel |
25 |
Vitamin A or β-Carotene Supplementation Reduces but Does Not Eliminate Maternal Night Blindness in Nepal 1
Christian, Parul |
128 |
9 |
p. 1458-1463 |
artikel |