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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Diet History Questionnaire Ranks Nutrient Intakes in Middle-Aged and Older Men and Women Similarly to Multiple Food Records 1 Mares-Perlman, Julie A

123 3 p. 489-501
2 Alpha-1 Adrenergic Blockade Interacts with Dietary Carbohydrates on Triacylglycerol Metabolism in Rats 1 Belahsen, Rekia

123 3 p. 520-528
3 Announcements
123 3 p. 601-602
4 Back Matter
123 3 p.
5 Bioavailable Level and Source of Cysteine Determine Protein Quality of a Commercial Enteral Product: Adequacy of Tryptophan but Deficiency of Cysteine for Rats Fed an Enteral Product Prepared Fresh or Stored Beyond Shelf Life 1 Baker, David H

123 3 p. 541-546
6 Colostrum Protein Digestion in Newborn Lambs Yvon, Mireille

123 3 p. 586-596
7 Comment on the Paper by Perry et al. (1992): Hemoglobin Differences between Blacks and Whites Hegenauer, Jack

123 3 p. 597-598
8 Cytotoxicity of Fecal Water Is Dependent on the Type of Dietary Fat and Is Reduced by Supplemental Calcium Phosphate in Rats 1 Lapré, John A

123 3 p. 578-585
9 Dietary 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol Supplementation Increases Natural Phytate Phosphorus Utilization in Chickens 1 Edwards Jr, Hardy M

123 3 p. 567-577
10 Dietary Lipid Profile Is a Determinant of Tissue Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition and Rate of Weight Gain in Rats 1 Pan, David A

123 3 p. 512-519
11 Errata
123 3 p. 600
12 Front Matter
123 3 p.
13 Genetically Determined Body Weight Loss in Mice Fed Diets Containing Salmon Oil 1 2 LeBoeuf, Renee C

123 3 p. 547-558
14 High Dietary Calcium Level Decreases Colonic Phytate Degradation in Pigs Fed a Rapeseed Diet 1 Sandberg, Ann-Sofie

123 3 p. 559-566
15 Oral Arginine Supplementation Does Not Affect Lymphocyte Proliferation during Endotoxin-Induced Inflammation in Rats 1 2 Torre, Patrick M

123 3 p. 481-488
16 Recombinant Porcine Somatotropin and Dietary Protein Enhance Protein Synthesis in Growing Pigs 1 2 Sève, Bernard

123 3 p. 529-540
17 Regulation of Intestinal Nutrient Transport Is Impaired in Aged Mice 1 Ferraris, Ronaldo P

123 3 p. 502-511
18 Reply to the Letter of Drs. Hegenauer and Saltman Perry, Geraldine

123 3 p. 599
19 Table of Contents
123 3 p.
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland