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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Amino Acid Supplementation of Opaque-2 Corn Diets for Growing Rats Pick, R.T.

101 9 p. 1241-1248
2 Biliary and Urinary Excretion and Enterohepatic Recycling of Vitamin A in Sheep Hume, I.D.

101 9 p. 1169-1175
3 Bioflavonoids as a New Growth Factor for the Cricket, Acheta domesticus Neville, P.F.

101 9 p. 1217-1223
4 Castor Bean Meal as a Protein Source for Chickens: Detoxification and Determination of Limiting Amino Acids Vilhjalmsdottir, Laufey

101 9 p. 1185-1192
5 DNA (Cell Number) and Protein in Neonatal Rat Brain: Alteration by Timing of Maternal Dietary Protein Restriction Zamenhof, S.

101 9 p. 1265-1269
6 Editorial Board
101 9 p.
7 Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Plasma Free Amino Acids in the Chicken Tasaki, Iwao

101 9 p. 1225-1231
8 Effect of Excess Levels of Individual Amino Acids on Growth of Rats Fed Casein Diets Muramatsu, Keiichiro

101 9 p. 1117-1125
9 Effect of Iron on Lipid Metabolism of Tetrahymena pyriformis Peng, Yei-Mei

101 9 p. 1177-1184
10 Effect of Length of Starvation, Refeeding, and 8-Azaguanine on Serum Insulin and NADP-linked Dehydrogenases of Rat Liver Szepesi, Bela

101 9 p. 1147-1151
11 Estimating the Metabolizable Energy of Foodstuffs with an Avian Model Squibb, Robert L.

101 9 p. 1211-1215
12 Gall Bladder Distension in Choline-deficient Chicks Seifter, Eli

101 9 p. 1233-1240
13 Growth, reproduction, and tissue concentrations of selenium in the selenium-depleted rat
101 9 p. 1287
14 Karl Thomas —A Biographical Sketch (1883–1969) Fisher, Hans

101 9 p. 1109-1115
15 Magnesium Depletion during Gestation and Lactation in Rats Wang, Feng Lai

101 9 p. 1201-1209
16 Maintenance of Nitrogen Balance in a Young Woman by Substitution of α-Ketoisovaleric Acid for Valine Gallina, Daniel L.

101 9 p. 1165-1167
17 Metabolic Responses of Chicks during Adaptation to a High Protein, “Carbohydrate-free” Diet Evans, Robert M.

101 9 p. 1127-1136
18 Phosphorus Metabolism in Ponies Fed Varying Levels of Phosphorus Schryver, H.F.

101 9 p. 1257-1263
19 Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of The American Institute of Nutrition
101 9 p. 1271-1285
20 Protein and Energy Utilization by Chicks Fed Graded Levels of a Balanced Mixture of Crystalline Amino Acids Velu, J.G.

101 9 p. 1249-1256
21 Relative Utilization of Casein, Fish Protein Concentrate and Isolated Soybean Protein for Growth and Pancreatic Enzyme Regeneration of the Protein-Calorie Malnourished Baby Pig Pond, Wilson G.

101 9 p. 1193-1200
22 Studies on Hepatic Polyribosomes and Protein Synthesis in Rats Force-fed a Protein-free Diet Sidransky, Herschel

101 9 p. 1153-1164
23 Table of Contents
101 9 p.
24 Utilization of 7-Chloro-8-methyl-flavin in the Rat and Its Specific Antiriboflavin Action in the Kidney Lambooy, John P.

101 9 p. 1137-1145
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland