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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A distinct phenotype characterizes tumors from a putative genetic trait involving chondrosarcoma and breast cancer occurring in the same patient Cleton-Jansen, Anne-Marie

84 2 p. 191-202
2 Fibrillin-1 expression in normal and fibrotic rat liver and in cultured hepatic fibroblastic cells: modulation by mechanical stress and role in cell adhesion Lorena, Dionne

84 2 p. 203-212
3 Hematopoietic progenitor cells as possible origins of epithelial thymoma in a human T lymphocyte virus type I pX gene transgenic rat model Tsuchikawa, Takahiro

84 2 p. 245-252
4 Hypoxia increases Hsp90 binding to eNOS via PI3K-Akt in porcine coronary artery endothelium Chen, Jian-xiong

84 2 p. 182-190
5 Indications for peripheral light-chain revision and somatic hypermutation without a functional B-cell receptor in precursors of a composite diffuse large B-cell and Hodgkin's lymphoma Rosenquist, Richard

84 2 p. 253-262
6 Inside Lab Invest
84 2 p. 149-150
7 Low O2 and high CO2 in LLC-PK1 cells culture mimics renal ischemia-induced apoptosis Hotter, Gina

84 2 p. 213-220
8 Mutation of a highly conserved isoleucine disrupts hydrophobic interactions in the αβ spectrin self-association binding site Gallagher, Patrick G

84 2 p. 229-234
9 Pathology Elsewhere Morotti, Raffaella

84 2 p. 151-152
10 Portal tract fibrogenesis in the liver Ramadori, Giuliano

84 2 p. 153-159
11 Pre-eclampsia is associated with the failure of melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM/CD146) expression by intermediate trophoblast Liu, Qin

84 2 p. 221-228
12 Rapid tumor death model for evaluation of new therapeutic agents for adult T-cell leukemia Ohsugi, Takeo

84 2 p. 263-266
13 Similarities of prosurvival signals in Bcl-2-positive and Bcl-2-negative follicular lymphomas identified by reverse phase protein microarray Zha, Hongbin

84 2 p. 235-244
14 Spinal cord involvement in the nonhuman primate model of Lyme disease Bai, Yunhong

84 2 p. 160-172
15 Toll-like receptor 4 is expressed with enteroviral replication in myocardium from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy Satoh, Mamoru

84 2 p. 173-181
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland