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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Brusatol sensitizes endometrial hyperplasia and cancer to progestin by suppressing NRF2-TET1-AKR1C1-mediated progestin metabolism Hu, Meiyan

102 12 p. 1335-1345
2 CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) expression promotes diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma survival and invasion Hu, Quan-Quan

102 12 p. 1377-1388
3 CircRNA-ST6GALNAC6 increases the sensitivity of bladder cancer cells to erastin-induced ferroptosis by regulating the HSPB1/P38 axis Wang, Li

102 12 p. 1323-1334
4 Enhanced phosphorylation of c-Jun by cisplatin treatment as a potential predictive biomarker for cisplatin response in combination with patient-derived tumor organoids Tsukamoto, Yoshiyuki

102 12 p. 1355-1366
5 High levels of TIMP1 are associated with increased extracellular matrix stiffness in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-wild type gliomas Luo, Chun-Hua

102 12 p. 1304-1313
6 Idelalisib inhibits experimental proliferative vitroretinopathy Dong, Lijun

102 12 p. 1296-1303
7 Inside the USCAP Journals
102 12 p. 1294-1295
8 Oncogenic potential of PIK3CD in glioblastoma is exerted through cytoskeletal proteins PAK3 and PLEK2 Shao, Wei

102 12 p. 1314-1322
9 Parthenolide alleviates peritoneal fibrosis by inhibiting inflammation via the NF-κB/ TGF-β/Smad signaling axis Zhang, Ying

102 12 p. 1346-1354
10 Simultaneous metabolite MALDI-MSI, whole exome and transcriptome analysis from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections Kreutzer, Lisa

102 12 p. 1400-1405
11 Ubiquitin-specific protease 3 facilitates cell proliferation by deubiquitinating pyruvate kinase L/R in gallbladder cancer Liang, Ruo-Peng

102 12 p. 1367-1376
12 Upregulation of KLHL17 promotes the proliferation and migration of non-small cell lung cancer by activating the Ras/MAPK signaling pathway Liu, Zongang

102 12 p. 1389-1399
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland