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1 |
Acceptability and use of an online health priorities self-identification tool for older adults: A qualitative investigation
Mroz, Emily L. |
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2 |
Adaptation and validation of the encoding of observations using CONSUL-MCC: A self-determination theory-based tool to observe consultations in maternity care
Kors, Joyce |
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3 |
Adopting a learning pathway approach to patient partnership in telehealth: A proof of concept
Jackson, Mathieu |
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4 |
A meta-narrative review of coding tools for healthcare interactions and their applicability to written communication
Rey Velasco, Elena |
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5 |
A mixed-methods evaluation of the impacts of an online Carer wellbeing and connection program
Coe, Amy |
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6 |
An exploration of facilitators and barriers to patient navigator core functions with breast cancer patients: Implications for the development of a human-centered mHealth app
Carr, Alaina L. |
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7 |
An mHealth, patient engagement approach to understand and address parents' mental health and caregiving needs after prenatal diagnosis of critical congenital heart disease
McKechnie, Anne Chevalier |
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8 |
An online intervention to improve the health and well-being of informal caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease: A pilot study
Liu, Yujun |
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9 |
A qualitative analysis of trust and distrust within patient-clinician interactions
Adekunle, Temi A. |
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10 |
Assessing measurement invariance of the SEGUE framework among Chinese and Ghanaian patients: A cross-sectional study
Oppong, Jennifer |
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11 |
Cancer caregivers at the end-of-life: How much me vs. how much we?
Bybee, Sara G. |
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12 |
Caregiver health literacy and health task performance: Findings from the LitCog caregiver cohort study
O'Conor, Rachel |
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13 |
Clinician-initiated written communication for families of patients at a long-term acute care hospital
Schwartz, Nathaniel H. |
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14 |
Co-creation of self-management support during inpatient stroke rehabilitation
Dobe, Joshua |
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15 |
Collaborating with patients and caregivers to create web-based educational resources for people affected by cirrhosis
Johnson, Emily |
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16 |
Communication coaching for sonographers (CCS): Preliminary evaluation of a novel intervention to improve unexpected news delivery
Johnson, Judith |
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17 |
Communication with physicians and family about breast Cancer recurrence
Kelly, Kimberly M. |
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18 |
Community-led, peer-facilitated Advance Care Planning workshops prompt increased Advance Care Planning behaviors among public attendees
Carter, Rachel Z. |
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19 |
Community voices on alcohol harm in Sierra Leone: Perceptions of prevention needs
Balenger, Adelaide |
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20 |
Consulting patients and providers of assisted reproductive technologies to inform the development of a group psychological intervention for women with infertility
Warne, Emma |
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21 |
Developing, optimizing, and evaluating patient infographics for diagnosing cardiac amyloidosis
Pack, Allison P. |
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22 |
Development and pilot testing a communication simulation training for interpreters to improve pain communication between primary care providers and patients with limited English proficiency
Lor, Maichou |
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23 |
Development and validation of the Chinese oral anticoagulants knowledge tool (C-OAKT): A pilot study
Chan, Serena Hiu Kwan |
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24 |
Development of a communication-based virtual patient counseling objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for first year student pharmacists
Wollen, Joshua T. |
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25 |
Development of My Decision/Mi Decisión, a web-based decision aid to support permanent contraception decision making
Mosley, Elizabeth A. |
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26 |
Development of the Together - Teens&20s microsite, an online resource for adolescent and young adult cancer patients
Daniels, Sarah |
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27 |
Difficult medical encounters in oncology: What physicians need. An exploratory study
Roumen, Cheryl |
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28 |
Effectiveness of educational materials on levels of knowledge of thyroid associated orbitopathy in an endocrinology clinic
Kheir, Wajiha J. |
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29 |
Enhancing effective healthcare communication in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Considerations for research, teaching, policy, and practice
White, Sarah J. |
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30 |
Evaluation of a French adaptation of a community-based advance serious illness planning decision aid
Plaisance, Ariane |
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31 |
Exploring facilitation in virtual simulation in nursing education: A scoping review
Heyn, Lena Günterberg |
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32 |
Exploring facilitators and barriers to patient-provider communication regarding diabetes self-management
Kirk, Brenna O. |
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33 |
Exploring the impact of brief training on student pharmacists' naloxone communication skills
Jankowski, Kelly |
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34 |
Grandparents' pregnancy and neonatal loss network: Designing a website for grandparents bereaved by the perinatal loss of a grandchild
Lockton, Jane |
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35 |
Health system and patient-level factors associated with multidisciplinary care and patient education among hospitalized, older cancer survivors
Brick, Rachelle |
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36 |
How do hospital providers perceive and experience the information-delivery process? A qualitative exploratory study
Fortini, Cristiana |
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37 |
“I don't know if I understood the whole process from the beginning”: A photo-elicitation exploration of the experience of mastectomy and breast reconstruction decision making
Renshaw, Janette |
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38 |
Improving adherence to PAP therapy: A brief PAP coaching intervention for health care providers
He, Ken |
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39 |
Improving health and the delivery of care using digital technologies: Special issue highlighting innovative approaches to incorporating digital technology into health care
Alpert, Jordan M. |
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40 |
Improving patient understanding of prenatal screening tests: Using naturally sampled frequencies, pictures, and accounting for individual differences
West, Lauren M. |
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41 |
Is it fun or is it hard? Studying physician-related attributes of shared decision-making by ranking case vignettes
Spinnewijn, Laura |
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42 |
Mobile apps to self-manage chronic low back pain: A realist synthesis exploring what works, for whom and in what circumstances
Hunter, Rebecca |
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43 |
Patient and caregiver questions and clinician responses during initial outpatient neuropalliative care appointments
McDarby, Meghan |
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44 |
Patient and family perceptions of a discharge bedside board
McMillan, D.E. |
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45 |
Perioperative shared decision making – How do we train clinicians?
Bougeard, Anne-Marie |
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46 |
Perspectives on advance care planning needs of persons with advanced dementia from their surrogates and clinicians
Golden, Sara E. |
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47 |
Prospective randomized pilot study of a novel patient-centered pathology report for colorectal polyps
Ko, Cynthia W. |
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48 |
Provider perspectives on a point-of-care tool to facilitate patient-centered contraceptive care among Latina/x patients in Baltimore, MD
Bevilacqua, Kristin G. |
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49 |
Rapid Transformation from Face to Face to Virtual Simulation During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Impact on the Simulation Process during “The Little Room of Horrors”
Mascarenhas, Sharon |
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50 |
Sharing and seeking information about skin cancer risk and prevention among Hispanic people from Florida and Puerto Rico
Rivera Rivera, Jessica N. |
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51 |
Strategies to address perceived barriers to timely kidney transplantation in the Netherlands: A qualitative study from a stakeholders' perspective
van Merweland, Ruben |
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52 |
Supporting nursing roles in medical assistance in dying: Development and evaluation of an evidence-based reflective guide
Pesut, Barbara |
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53 |
Testing proximal, intermediate, and health outcomes of patient centered communication among non-pregnant women of childbearing age with diabetes mellitus: Findings from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2012-2018
Kindratt, Tiffany B. |
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54 |
Testing the What Matters to Me workbook in a diverse sample of seriously ill patients and caregivers
Fromme, Erik K. |
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55 |
The added value of the artificial intelligence patient-reported experience measure (AI-PREM tool) in clinical practise: Deployment in a vestibular schwannoma care pathway
Neve, O.M. |
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56 |
The association between YouTube use and knowledge of human papillomavirus-related cancers
Dorismond, Vanessa G. |
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57 |
The development of SIBS-ONLINE, a group-based video conference intervention for siblings of children with chronic disorders and their parents
Vatne, Torun M. |
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58 |
“There's no time limit on grief:” Women's perspectives on a novel reproductive grief screening tool
Bute, Jennifer J. |
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59 |
The RESPECT-brochure: Development of a tool to inform and empower residents and informal caregivers on the medicines' pathway in nursing homes
Damiaens, Amber |
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60 |
The role of family and culture in the disclosure of bad news: A multicentre cross-sectional study in Pakistan
Shah, Sameena |
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61 |
The use of electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in follow-up after palliative radiotherapy: A survey study in Belgium
Oldenburger, Eva |
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62 |
The use of the Capability-Opportunity- Motivation Behavior (COM-B) model to identify barriers to medication adherence and the application of mobile health technology in adults with coronary heart disease: A qualitative study
Park, Linda G. |
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63 |
Translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Arabic short version of the coronary artery disease education questionnaire (CADE-Q SV) in Saudi Arabia
Aljehani, Raghdah |
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64 |
Understanding parents uncertainty sources and management strategies while caring for a child diagnosed with a hematologic cancer
Wollney, Easton N. |
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65 |
Using nominal group technique to determine skills that applied improvisation can teach health profession education learners
Chan, Carolyn A. |
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66 |
U.S. Vietnamese parents' trusted sources of information and preferences for intervention messaging about HPV vaccination: A mixed methods study
Vu, Milkie |
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67 |
Validation of the Consumer Health Activation Index (CHAI) in general population samples of older Australians
Flight, Ingrid |
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