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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advanced porous materials and emerging technologies for radionuclides removal from Fukushima radioactive water Liu, Xiaolu

2 4 p. 252-256
2 A systematic review of the impacts of exposure to micro- and nano-plastics on human tissue accumulation and health Feng, Yudong

2 4 p. 195-207
3 Electric vehicle adoption delivers public health and environmental benefits Zhu, Yijing

2 4 p. 193-194
4 Evolution in disparity of PM2.5 pollution in China Shi, Su

2 4 p. 257-263
5 Human-driven global nutrient imbalances increase risks to health Penuelas, Josep

2 4 p. 246-251
6 Indoor metabolites and chemicals outperform microbiome in classifying childhood asthma and allergic rhinitis Sun, Yu

2 4 p. 208-218
7 Insights into the enzymatic degradation of DNA expedited by typical perfluoroalkyl acids Qin, Chao

2 4 p. 278-286
8 Lignin precursors enhance exolaccase-started humification of bisphenol A to form functional polymers Li, Shunyao

2 4 p. 219-226
9 Man-made reactive oxygen species as green disinfectants Li, Chengjun

2 4 p. 243-245
10 Nonmicrobial mechanisms dominate the release of CO2 and the decomposition of organic matter during the short-term redox process in paddy soil slurry Liu, Jinsong

2 4 p. 227-234
11 Screening for 26 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in German drinking waters with support of residents Ingold, Vanessa

2 4 p. 235-242
12 Well-designed protein amyloid nanofibrils composites as versatile and sustainable materials for aquatic environment remediation: A review Zhang, Xiaolin

2 4 p. 264-277
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland