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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Altered expression in liver cancer with various hepatic blood flow occlusions: A pilot RNA sequencing study Wang, Xuning

2 2 p. 103-108
2 Efficacy and complications of transarterial chemoembolization alone or in combination with different protocols for hepatocellular carcinoma: A Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Yan, Jingxin

2 2 p. 130-141
3 Hepatic allograft rejection after liver transplantation: Clinicopathological debates! Badwei, Nourhan

2 2 p. 116-121
4 More precise measurement of irregular splenic volume in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension Chen, Xiao

2 2 p. 109-115
5 Systematic review and meta-analysis: Comparing hepatocellular and cholestatic patterns of drug-induced liver injury Zeng, Georgia

2 2 p. 122-129
6 The analysis of the adherence of liver transplant recipients to immunosuppressant treatment, their self-control, and self-management in the post-transplantation period Çınar, Fadime

2 2 p. 97-102
7 The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: Smaller stent diameters are required to optimize pressure response Rössle, Martin

2 2 p. 89-96
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland