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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A guidance assistance strategy for intersections based on vehicle speed prediction sequences Zhang, Yunshun

8 C p.
2 Assessing the dynamic behavior of multiconnected offshore floating photovoltaic systems under combined wave-wind loads: A comprehensive numerical analysis Yan, Chaojun

8 C p.
3 Boil-off gas precooling process for subsea low temperature LNG pipelines Zhu, Junlong

8 C p.
4 Corrigendum to “Cardiotoxicity of PFOA, PFOS, and PFOSA in Early Life Stage Zebrafish: Molecular Changes to Behavioral-level Response” [Sustainable Horizons Volume 3 (2022) 100027] Liu, Xinjie

8 C p.
5 Environmental aspects of batteries Abdelkareem, Mohammad Ali

8 C p.
6 ESSCC: A new multi-scale and extensively applicable evaluation system for the construction of sponge cities Ding, Meng-Qi

8 C p.
7 Impact assessment of river bank erosion in the lower part of Mahanadi River using geospatial sciences Mallick, Raj Hossain

8 C p.
8 Increasing atmospheric emissions and health burdens embodied in international trade Li, Ruifei

8 C p.
9 Liner shipping network design model with carbon tax, seasonal freight rate fluctuations and empty container relocation Chen, Kang

8 C p.
10 Pertinent challenges in mycorrhizal ecopreneurship for sustainable food production Veresoglou, Stavros D

8 C p.
11 Renewable energy consumption, real income, trade openness, and inverted load capacity factor nexus in Turkiye: Revisiting the EKC hypothesis with environmental sustainability Dam, Mehmet Metin

8 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland