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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An in silico insight on inhibitory potential of short-chain PFHxA and PFHxS against endogenous antioxidant enzymes Rajak, Prem

12 C p.
2 Beyond carbon-centric estimates: revisiting the interplay between hydroclimatic conditions and dryland forestation Wang, Dashan

12 C p.
3 Exploring the effects of reducing groundwater pumping on downward saltwater intrusion into deep aquifers in coastal Tianjin, China Xiao, Han

12 C p.
4 Influence of surface roughness on vibration response characteristics of flexible structures on offshore floating platforms Jiang, Zecheng

12 C p.
5 Investigations into dynamic variation characteristics of near-bottom boundary flows over a long term at strait areas Ren, Lei

12 C p.
6 Numerical modeling for determination of the dominant factor inducing saltwater intrusion into shallow aquifer in the Mekong River Estuary within the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Xiao, Han

12 C p.
7 Quantifying urban black carbon absorption enhancement under influence of open crop straw burning in Eastern China Meng, Qingxiao

12 C p.
8 Radiocarbon evidence of organic carbon turnover response to grassland grazing: A soil aggregate fraction perspective Tan, Wenbing

12 C p.
9 Sensitivity of development goals to water scarcity of Iraq and transboundary regions Pavur, Gigi

12 C p.
10 Two-Eyed Seeing: An ethical space of engagement to shape engineering and computing education for sustainable development Habash, Riadh

12 C p.
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland