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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analgesia for total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis comparing local infiltration and femoral nerve block Mei, ShuYa

70 9 p. 648-653
2 Comparison of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients Harmankaya, Ozlem

70 9 p. 601-605
3 Differences between the real and the desired worlds in the results of clinical trials Dib, Regina El

70 9 p. 618-622
4 Driving evaluation methods for able-bodied persons and individuals with lower extremity disabilities: a review of assessment modalities Greve, Julia Maria D'Andréa

70 9 p. 638-647
5 Influence of hyperprolactinemia on collagen fibers in the lacrimal gland of female mice Araujo, Ariadne Stavare Leal

70 9 p. 632-637
6 Partial epilepsy: A pictorial review of 3 TESLA magnetic resonance imaging features Abud, Lucas Giansante

70 9 p. 654-661
7 Serum bilirubin value predicts hospital admission in carbon monoxide-poisoned patients. Active player or simple bystander? Cervellin, Gianfranco

70 9 p. 628-631
8 Temporal resolution in individuals with neurological disorders Rabelo, Camila Maia

70 9 p. 606-611
9 The impact of a discrepancy between actual and preferred living arrangements on life satisfaction among the elderly in China Guan, Jinqun

70 9 p. 623-627
10 The impact of tracheotomy on levels of procalcitonin in patients without sepsis: a prospective study Dai, Xingui

70 9 p. 612-617
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland