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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Actinic lesions in fishermen’s lower lip: clinical, cytopathological and histopathologic analysis Piñera-Marques, Karine

65 4 p. 363-367
2 A forgotten but important risk factor for severe hyponatremia: myxedema coma Kargili, Ayse

65 4 p. 447-448
3 A review of cardiopulmonary research in Brazilian medical journals: clinical, surgical and epidemiological data Serrano, Carlos

65 4 p. 441-445
4 Assessment of informatization for the dispensing of medications at a university hospital Serafim, Sônia Aparecida Dias

65 4 p. 417-424
5 Association between decreases in type V collagen and apoptosis in mouse lung chemical carcinogenesis: a preliminary model to study cancer cell behavior Parra, Edwin Roger

65 4 p. 425-432
6 Cholelithiasis in patients on the kidney transplant waiting list Brito, André Thiago Scandiuzzi

65 4 p. 389-391
7 Deep breathing heart rate variability is associated with respiratory muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Reis, Michel Silva

65 4 p. 369-375
8 Double right coronary artery: a report of two cases Selcoki, Yusuf

65 4 p. 449-451
9 Effects of sildenafil on autonomic nervous function during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea Neves, Christiane

65 4 p. 393-400
10 Endoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of early esophageal and gastric cancer - initial experience of a western center Chaves, Dalton Marques

65 4 p. 377-382
11 Impact factor, Scimago Indexes and the Brazilian journal rating sytem: where do we go from here? Rocha-e-Silva, Mauricio

65 4 p. 351-355
12 Importance of the different posterolateral knee static stabilizers: biomechanical study Lasmar, Rodrigo Campos Pace

65 4 p. 433-440
13 Isolated familial somatotropinoma: 11q13-loh and gene/protein expression analysis suggests a possible involvement of aip also in non-pituitary tumorigenesis Toledo, Rodrigo A.

65 4 p. 407-415
14 Laparoscopic treatment of Poland’s syndrome using the omentum flap technique Costa, Sirlei Santos

65 4 p. 401-406
15 Ovarian vein thrombosis and mirror syndrome in association with sacrococcygeal teratoma Kafali, Hasan

65 4 p. 452-455
16 Oxidized low-density lipoprotein and ankle-brachial pressure index in patients with clinically evident peripheral arterial disease Rosoky, Ruben Miguel Ayzin

65 4 p. 383-387
17 Phacoemulsification versus extracapsular extraction: governmental costs Kara-Junior, Newton

65 4 p. 357-361
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland