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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A missense TCF1 mutation in a patient with mody-3 and liver adenomatosis Lerario, Antonio Marcondes

65 10 p. 1059-1060
2 A simple technique for knot tying in single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) Ekçi, Baki

65 10 p. 1055-1057
3 Associations of exposure to noise with physiological and psychological outcomes among post-cardiac surgery patients in ICUs Hsu, Suh-Meei

65 10 p. 985-989
4 Bureaucrats, researchers, editors, and the impact factor - a vicious circle that is detrimental to science Metze, Konradin

65 10 p. 937-940
5 Comparison between two shock wave regimens using frequencies of 60 and 90 impulses per minute for urinary stones Mazzucchi, Eduardo

65 10 p. 961-965
6 Correlation between central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure peak and fluctuation during the water drinking test in glaucoma patients Furlanetto, Rafael Lacerda

65 10 p. 967-970
7 Dental abnormalities and oral health in patients with Hypophosphatemic rickets Souza, Melissa Almeida

65 10 p. 1023-1026
8 Drug hypersensitivity in students from São Paulo, Brazil Ensina, Luis Felipe Chiaverini

65 10 p. 1009-1011
9 Effect of maintenance hemodialysis on diastolic left ventricular function in end-stage renal disease Duran, Mustafa

65 10 p. 979-984
10 Efficacy of aneurysmectomy in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction: favorable short- and long-term results in ischemic cardiomyopathy Serrano Jr, Carlos Vicente

65 10 p. 947-952
11 Evaluation of antianxiety and sedative effects of essential oil of Ducrosia anethifolia in mice Hajhashemi, Valiollah

65 10 p. 1037-1042
12 Facial trauma in the largest city in latin america, são paulo, 15 years after the enactment of the compulsory seat belt law de Barros, Tarley Eloy Pessoa

65 10 p. 1043-1047
13 Glucose levels and hemodynamic changes in patients submitted to routine dental treatment with and without local anesthesia Bortoluzzi, Marcelo Carlos

65 10 p. 975-978
14 Increased frequency of anti-retina antibodies in asymptomatic patients with chronic t. gondii infection Cursino, Sylvia Regina Temer

65 10 p. 1027-1032
15 Lumbar hernia following percutaneous nephrolitotomy Reggio, Ernesto

65 10 p. 1061-1062
16 Markers of autoimmune liver diseases in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis Demirdal, Umit Secil

65 10 p. 971-974
17 Melanoma of the anal canal Parra, Rogerio Serafim

65 10 p. 1063-1065
18 Pre-historic eating patterns in Latin America and protective effects of plant-based diets on cardiovascular risk factors Acosta Navarro, Julio C

65 10 p. 1049-1054
19 Qualis 2011-2013 - os três erres Rocha e Silva, Mauricio

65 10 p. 935-936
20 Segmental stabilization and muscular strengthening in chronic low back pain - a comparative study França, Fábio Renovato

65 10 p. 1013-1017
21 The effectiveness of low laser therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized placebo controlled double-blind prospective study Dogan, Sebnem Koldas

65 10 p. 1019-1022
22 The influence of various anesthesia techniques on postoperative recovery and discharge criteria among geriatric patients Ornek, Dilsen

65 10 p. 941-946
23 Three-dimensional scanning with dual-source computed tomography in patients with acute skeletal trauma Yildirim, Duzgun

65 10 p. 991-1002
24 Tomographic assessment of the spine in children with spondylocostal dysotosis syndrome Kaissi, Ali Al

65 10 p. 953-959
25 Triple-negative breast carcinomas are a heterogeneous entity that differs between young and old patients Carvalho, Filomena M

65 10 p. 1033-1036
26 Work-related respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function tests in northeast iranian (the city of Mashhad) carpenters Boskabady, Mohammad Hossain

65 10 p. 1003-1007
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland