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                             7 results found
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1 AC loss mitigation for high temperature superconducting coils in wireless power transfer Chen, Hongyi

6 C p.
2 Concept design of an HTS linear power generator for wave energy conversion Kambo, Petrus

6 C p.
3 Design of a finite impulse response filter for rapid single-flux-quantum signal processors based on stochastic computing Qiu, Ruidi

6 C p.
4 Effect of Gd addition on the superconducting properties of Ti-based V, Nb, Ta alloys Ramjan, SK

6 C p.
5 Hope and challenge of ternary hydrogen-based superconductors under pressure Liu, Guangtao

6 C p.
6 J-A formulation: A finite element methodology for simulating superconducting devices dos Santos, Gabriel

6 C p.
7 Low-temperature superconductors: Nb3Sn, Nb3Al, and NbTi Banno, Nobuya

6 C p.
                             7 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands