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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AC loss study on a 3-phase HTS 1 MVA transformer coupled with a three-limb iron core Wu, Yue

10 C p.
2 An energy-efficient 32-bit bit-parallel superconducting SFQ specialized processor Qu, Peiyao

10 C p.
3 Cooling system for China’s 35 kV/2.2kA/1.2 km high-temperature superconducting cable achieves two-year successful operation Han, Yunwu

10 C p.
4 Numerical modelling of electromechanical coupling behaviors in HTS coil with implementation of H formulation in FE software Yong, Huadong

10 C p.
5 Pressurization, intercalation, doping, and elements: An empirical study of superconductivity near perturbation onsets Benjamin, Shermane M.

10 C p.
6 Superconducting nanostrip single photon detectors fabricated of aluminum thin-films Jiang, Yuting

10 C p.
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland