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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Airway management of adult epiglottitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Booth, Anton W.G.

9 C p.
2 A randomised controlled trial comparing quality of recovery between desflurane and isoflurane inhalation anaesthesia in patients undergoing ophthalmological surgery at a tertiary hospital in South Africa (DIQoR trial) Steyl, Charlé

9 C p.
3 A retrospective, observational, single-centre, cohort database analysis of the haemodynamic effects of low-dose spinal anaesthesia for hip fracture surgery White, Stuart M.

9 C p.
4 Associations between the intraoperative fraction of inspired intraoperative oxygen administration and days alive and out of hospital after surgery Frei, Daniel R.

9 C p.
5 Continuous wound infusion catheter as part of a multimodal analgesia regimen for post-Caesarean delivery pain: a quality improvement impact study Fowler, Cedar

9 C p.
6 Corrigendum to “Validation of a convolutional neural network that reliably identifies electromyographic compound motor action potentials following train-of-four stimulation: an algorithm development experimental study” [BJA Open 8 (2023) 100236] Epstein, Richard H.

9 C p.
7 Could an integrated model of health and social care after critical illness reduce socioeconomic disparities in outcomes? A Bayesian analysis McPeake, Joanne

9 C p.
8 Editorial Board
9 C p.
9 Editorial comment to accompany BJA Open 100250 Hopkins, Philip M.

9 C p.
10 Effect of opioid-free versus opioid-based strategies during multimodal anaesthesia on postoperative morphine consumption after bariatric surgery: a randomised double-blind clinical trial Clanet, Matthieu

9 C p.
11 Erratum to “Exploring the cost-effectiveness of high versus low perioperative fraction of inspired oxygen in the prevention of surgical site infections among abdominal surgery patients in three low- and middle-income countries” [BJA Open 7 (2023) 100207] Kachapila, Mwayi

9 C p.
12 Ketamine for postoperative avoidance of depressive symptoms: the K-PASS feasibility randomised trial Fritz, Bradley A.

9 C p.
13 Paediatric perioperative hypersensitivity: the performance of the current consensus formula and the effect of uneventful anaesthesia on serum tryptase Vlaeminck, Nils

9 C p.
14 Postoperative virtual reality for recovery after bariatric surgery: study protocol for a randomised clinical trial Espinosa-Leon, Juan P.

9 C p.
15 Preoperative aerobic fitness and perioperative outcomes in patients undergoing cystectomy before and after implementation of a national lockdown Tetlow, Nicholas

9 C p.
16 Retraction notice to “Development of a perioperative pathway for patients with mucopolysaccharidosis, cardiac disease, and difficult airways using virtual reality and 3D printing” [BJA Open 6 (2023) 100190] Morgan, E.

9 C p.
17 The effect of heparins on plasma concentration of heparin-binding protein: a pilot study Halldorsdottir, Halla

9 C p.
18 The effect of proactive versus reactive treatment of hypotension on postoperative disability and outcome in surgical patients under anaesthesia (PRETREAT): clinical trial protocol and considerations Kant, Matthijs

9 C p.
19 Training in regional anaesthesia: there is much to do Boselli, Emmanuel

9 C p.
20 Validation of a convolutional neural network that reliably identifies electromyographic compound motor action potentials following train-of-four stimulation: an algorithm development experimental study—Reply to: Br J Anaesth Open 2024:100264. Epstein, Richard H.

9 C p.
21 Validation of a convolutional neural network that reliably identifies electromyographic compound motor action potentials following train-of-four stimulation. Comment on Br J Anaesth Open 2023; 8: 100236 Silliman, Willis

9 C p.
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland